Saturday Returns


Out of respect for Easter, the most important Christian holiday, and then out of respect for Tax Weekend, the Government’s most important holiday, we took some time off. Now we’re back!

You know the drill, get out there and enjoy your weekend!



It’s Not Normal Part 4

Because it’s happening to him, and not to you, you don’t care.

Whatever you think about “Trump”, according to whatever image you have constructed or adhere to, this is a line that has never been crossed before, and that line is the persecution and prosecution of former president and likely nominee, Donald Trump. 

You want to know the truth? I’m tired of defending Trump. I’m tired of being accused of being in some sort of Trump cult, and it’s been happening for years. This was a standard line of attack from those that voted for the zombie currently pretending to be President, and now it’s the standard line of attack as well from what I’ll call “The Worn Down People” that didn’t vote for Biden. It’s dumb, and it completely misunderstands the reason why Trump was elected in the first place. I don’t think, nor do I know anyone that does, that the guy is some sort of mystical god-king that can do no wrong. Those are memes. Memes are something that the Left can’t do, and the Old Right doesn’t understand. In fact, every time Trump does an interview or appearance, I find myself a bit tense when he starts answering a question or issuing a statement, as I hope that he doesn’t step on his own dick. But that’s not the point. Trump actually does love his country, and he actually does think it’s on the precipice of disaster, and while he may not speak with a silver or forked DC tongue in relaying that sentiment, he’s not wrong. 

 We’re being told that charging a former President with speech and thought crimes in multiple states and by the federal government, after an election conducted under the most suspect circumstances in modern history, is normal. ‘Calm down”, is what I keep hearing, and I’m hearing it from all kinds of people. Sorry. I’m not going to calm down, and you shouldn’t either. In fact, you should be doing the exact opposite. 

I don’t understand why so many people are incapable of separating their personal opinion and feelings of Trump from actual reality. Nor do I understand why so many people are unable to see the larger picture. Trump wasn’t supposed to win the first time in 2016, and both parties decided that it wasn’t going to happen again. Not only that, the Uniparty decided to then obstruct, ignore, and harass the administration from day one. Paul Ryan and Mitch Mcconnell pursued a policy of obstruction and defiance against their own president, while they held all 3 branches of government for 2 years. So, when Ann Coulter begins farting out her long screeds about how Trump didn’t “build the wall” like he promised, remember that Ann’s cocktail party pals didn’t put the legislation up for a vote nor did they approve spending for Trump’s wall. In fact, it didn’t matter what initiative was proposed, the republican congress didn’t advance it, all the while plotting with their democrat friends to get rid of this outlier president ASAP. 

That’s when the dominoes started falling according to a very elaborate and thought-out plan.

 You may have forgotten what prompted the impeachment saga. I haven’t. In fact, I wrote about it before it became the impeachment saga.

 It all started immediately; in case you don’t recall.

As soon as he’s sworn in, Trump is obstructed at every turn by the Washington, DC power-geek, Uniparty club. Threats about getting him “six ways from Sunday” begin and are carried forth. All the same “grab ’em by the pussy” vapors from hypocrites and children-in-adult-bodies proceeded, complete with the rending of garments at each personal and frankly predictable foible. Grow up, it’s not like he was secretly a coked-up gay dude all this time and had to kill his personal chef/down-low lover in his pond or anything. 

 Then began the years long lie of “Russian collusion”, pee-pee tapes, and the ridiculous Mueller investigation. What happened with that? There are still millions of simpletons out there that actually believe that.  Next came the call for and issuance of mental acuity tests, 25th Amendment banter, cries for removal, constant and unending media slander, lies, omissions and blatant propaganda. Have you forgotten the daily and unending abuse? 

So they tried impeachment and removal, media slander and never-ending negative coverage. When that didn’t work, a seemingly miraculous event occurred that sent the entire world into a spiral. One that seemed to accomplish several things at once. Covid. What the media, the Uniparty, and Hollywood could not quite achieve, our own scientists and China could. The bat soup, pangolin caused, wet market, totally accidental and natural virus made its sweeping debut, and life as we all have known it stopped forever. Accordingly, the emergency required voting to change…how we do it, when we do it, who watches over it, etc.

And just in case the Biden Crime Syndicate’s crimes come to light because of Potato Jr and his “laptop from Hell’, make sure you trot out 51 federal intelligence operatives to swear that said laptop is “Russian disinformation”. Weird, because the only thing Russian on Hunter’s computer were the hookers and their pimps. I read somewhere that 15% of Biden’s voters wouldn’t have voted for him if only they had known the laptop and its contents were real. If only, indeed. How could they not know that in the first place? 

Well, voila! Joe Biden wins a historic 81 million votes! What a coincidence that over 60 million of those votes came in the mail. Did you know that?

And now come the challenges, the attempted yet unheard court cases, and most importantly, January 6th. The first unarmed insurrection in our history almost entirely carried out by US government law enforcement, it seems.

What a great happenstance that all of the 2020 election fraud and the resulting Potato Presidency could now be covered as the Great Trump Insurrection, when in fact it was the exact opposite. A Deep State takeover of the federal government and an acceleration and affirmation of their plans. Never let a crisis go to waste, they say…and they sure haven’t. Now a multitude of disasters unfold, by design and with purpose. Yet there is still the troublesome Trump, and worse, he is on track to be the nominee again. So, what to do if you’re the ruling junta? You do what all other tyrannical governments do, you jail, bankrupt, or kill the opposition. All at the same time if possible. That’s exactly what they’re doing. Really take a moment and ask yourself, “why?”. No wars, a booming economy, exporting energy, restoring the Middle Class, and reversing Globalism. That’s why. Because if YOU become wealthy, informed, free, and hold power as an individual citizen…then THEY are diminished. Those that stole our power don’t want to give it back. They want you distracted and apathetic, and they have largely succeeded.

  Well, not here and not today. I say get pissed off. Stop looking around for some alternative or more palatable warrior. Wars are ugly, just look at Ukraine and their over 400k dead, and the people that fight them aren’t pretty, polite, and clean while fighting them. It’s not about the image of “Trump” that you have, it’s about you. What they are doing to Trump is what they want to do to you, and what they will do if they succeed. It’s not normal, and it should not, and must not, be treated as such nor should it be tolerated.

They are going to do something awful to remain in power and prevent normalcy from returning. We all sense it. They project it with every utterance.  A great and terrible moment is coming, worse than what we’ve already seen. I’ve heard that those that have been hit by lightning say that you can feel the hair on the back of your neck stand up before it strikes. I feel it now, do you? Totally normal.

“There are things that must cause you to lose your reason, or you have none to lose.” – Anonymous

“There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and justice.” – Baron de Montesquieu





It’s Not Normal: Part 3

So now for the third entry in the series, and this one might make you mad. Oh well, I can take it.

We’ve covered some of the most egregious examples of what is Not Normal, such as the real result of 9/11, loss of faith in institutions, vaccine lies, and illegal immigration. If you’re just catching part three, I recommend you tab down and read parts 1 and 2. Luckily for you, I run my columns in a straight scroll that goes back a decade.

I catalogued some of the most Not Normal things, but by no means have I covered all of them. Feel free to contact me or comment on any that you think I may have missed or need addressing, as I will gladly do so. With that said, here we go.

The proxy war in Ukraine that the United States is fighting with Russia is totally normal. Many of you reading this may say, “That IS normal, we’ve fought multiple proxy wars with the Soviet Union since World War 2!”. Ah, well that’s the rub, isn’t it? This is 2023, and there is no Soviet Union. I know you’ve been told that they’re still here and supplying Trump pee-pee tapes to the DOJ and printing ballots, but nope…that’s American leftists and Uniparty bureaucrats. Try and remember history class, because we bankrupted the USSR, and they had to spend the last 30 years trying to recover. Now our leaders insist that this incarnation of Russia is the same bogeyman that I grew up being taught to fear and loathe as part of The Cold War. Really? Well, it wasn’t…but with our actions in NATO and in Ukraine we have made it so. Since Russia inherited the Soviet Union’s six thousand nukes, twice the US number, you would think it wise to pursue a strategy of peace and cooperation. After all, we promised that NATO would never be used to surround Russia, didn’t we? Well now they’ve got 700,000 mobilized troops and make all of their own munitions like it’s Willy Wonka opening a bullet factory. Good job, NATO.

Don’t get the wrong idea, I have no positive emotions regarding Russia at all. I’m not stupid either. I perceive them and China as adversaries that will take advantage in any way they can. Of course, we must engage them and protect ourselves, but is escalation to an existential war – as cover for the crimes of The Elite – worth it? We do our thing, they do theirs, and unless our direct interests like our food, water, energy, and shelter are at stake, why risk a war that could turn Earth into Mars? Well again, there’s another rub. Is Ukraine that “direct interest”? Why? Historically, Ukraine IS Russia and vice versa. I’m old enough to remember eating Chicken Kiev as an exotic Russian dish in the eighties…I don’t remember calling it a “Ukrainian” dish, since it wasn’t an independent country until 1991, after the fall of the Soviet Union. So, after the US Civil War, what if another country – like France – had decided it was in their interest to prevent South Carolina from being retaken by the Union? What would be our response? What was the response when the Soviet Union tried to put missiles in Cuba? It was, up until now, the closest we had ever come to global nuclear war. So, what are we doing and what are we protecting? Is it this guy?

Nah. Zelensky is an actor. He went from speaking in a high-pitched voice while playing the piano with his pecker in comedy skits, all the way to wearing Army surplus and talking like an Eastern European strongman stereotype with lots of guttural grunting. So, what’s in Ukraine that’s worth the future of humanity? Has it been worth over 400 thousand dead Ukrainians? Don’t believe what you’re told, they are losing, and badly. You can see their graves from space, and on more independent platforms like Bitchute you can see exactly how those graves are being filled. It sucks and is awful. What a waste of life.

Have you seen any glorious footage of Ukrainian victory over Russia? Footage of our western munitions kicking Russian ass? No? Me neither. I can find plenty of the opposite though, but I guess that’s just fake right? Uh huh. Who knows, but here’s an American working in Ukraine to fight evil Russian propaganda. Yummy. I guess Finkle is Einhorn and Einhorn is Finkle over there, too.

He’s quite the lady.

America sure does seem to have a pattern going. Did you ban BlackRock and Vanguard hedge funds from buying your country? Does your country reject ESG scores and “LGBTQIA2S+trans rights”? We in The United States have a problem with that. After all, we’ve got Satanic degeneracy to export! Swallow it or get war, bigots! We’ve got a totally normal ideology we insist that you adopt, or else.

No one can quite explain to me why this war is a good idea. I know why Russia is doing what it is, because it’s obvious. They are attempting to bring a former territory back into the fold for 2 reasons: It is in their national interest, and NATO encroachment accompanied by US weakness. Crimea in 2014, and Ukraine in 2021. Weird, those dates. I wonder why Putin would view those years as the best time to act? I can’t recall what intervening leadership was in place between those 2 dates…oh, wait.

I remember a surprise election result in 2016, and a cessation of Russian belligerence afterwards. And then a phony, years long investigation into supposed “Russian interference” that turned out to be bullshit.  And then awhile later I remember a certain former president going through impeachment for a phone call with a guy in Ukraine, over a now-current president’s crackhead son doing business with his VP Daddy’s help in Ukraine.

Here’s where we get to the most absolutely, positively, normal thing happening that we will close the series with.

The persecution, prosecution, bankrupting, and destruction of Donald Trump by the corrupt government, its Operation Mockingbird media, and the millions of “civil servants” in its employ. Not just Trump, but his lawyers, staff, assistants, and anyone that brought him the ketchup to put on his admittedly criminally well-done steak.

The prosecution of former (that’s debatable) President Trump (another horrid American “first”) by federal and state prosecutors is exactly the same as putting a black man on trial in 1960 Alabama with the judge, jury, and police all being sworn members of the Ku Klux Klan, with the charge being “Winking at a White Woman”.

( to be concluded…)

It’s Not Normal Part 2

Where were we? Oh, that’s right, we were going over things that are totally normal. Well, why don’t we continue?

 Young boys and girls are being groomed, demoralized, destroyed, and made disturbed by alleged adults responsible for their care. Teachers, parents, schools, and state as well as the federal government, are encouraging a mass hysterical social contagion. You may know it as “gender affirmation” or as some other facet of the LGBTQIA2S+ cult. Boys and girls are being transfixed by media, propaganda, and their elders, and then they are being transformed. The former by cutting of their penises and constructing a faux-vagina, and the latter by surgically removing their breasts and using their forearms to construct a faux-penis. If you are brave, feel free to do a search on phalloplasty and vaginoplasty and educate yourself.

 Anyway, these boys and girls are then pumped full of lab-grown hormones as a companion treatment. Celebrities and soccer Moms alike are mutilating and psychologically destroying children as young as 3 years old in service to this degenerate sex cult, all while giving themselves – and also receiving – complete and total affirmation and support by those who were previously in charge of protecting children. What used to be having a rebellious phase that left you with some questionable tattoos at worst, and pictures of you with dated and laughable fashion at best, is now the pursuit of irreversible harm to thunderous applause.  And this time, your teachers, counselors, and parents aren’t giving you detention and a “grounding”, they’re giving you pamphlets and encouraging advice on how to embrace your poor decisions. All at a time when “normal” kids are exposed to more sex, violence, and degeneracy than ever before, at an ever earlier age. Do you feel good about sending your kids into an environment like this?

Hey parents out there, do you feel like you’re a good enough goalie to block all of it?

How many destroyed bodies and minds have already been created in the pursuit of this madness? How many will seek refuge in addiction, suicide, and even eventual violence against those that betrayed them and left them broken? How many lives have been decimated? How many futures cut short, legacies denied, and progeny erased? Thousands? Millions?

 Okay, that was depressing. Let’s move on to something else that’s normal. 

  The economy is awesome, isn’t it? The Federal reserve is printing ninety-thousand dollars a second. Seriously. You read that right. When asked about this and the outlook for the future, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell’s response was, ” We’re flying under cloudy skies right now…”. Uh, right. 

That’s what I want to hear from the head of the privately-owned yet government-dependent Federal Reserve. Unless you’re rich, and even if you are, you’ve probably noticed that your money isn’t going as far as it used to go. Maybe you’ve noticed that the value of your dollar has gone down by over half, while your costs continue to rise, yet your compensation remains stagnant. Your grocery bill, your fuel cost, your everything is going up and up though, isn’t it?

Maybe you didn’t know, but it’s a fact that since January 2020, the US government and the Federal Reserve have printed 80% of the dollars that exist and have ever existed. You read that right. 80% of all of the United States money that is in existence was printed since January 2020. 

Does that sound normal to you? You could make a case that in 2020 there was the hit of Covid and the “stimulus” checks, but that accounts for a relatively small amount in the equation. Instead, the majority of this has happened since Joe Biden was sworn in. Why? Are they printing it out and sending it to you? No? Then who? We already know those millions of illegals are getting $2200 a month, so who else? Are they your neighbors? Not unless their form of income is welfare. The only people that make money in this economy already have it, and now they’re getting 6% interest on it. 

 How many small businesses that used to be around, are still around? Did they get all of this Monopoly money? If so, why did they disappear? Or did corrupt state governments and phony PPP loan losers get it? How much was gobbled up by the Climate/Covid/DEI scam? How much for the hordes of felonious invaders on the southern border? How much for unwanted military adventures all over the globe?

Chump change. The real money is being looted and transferred from those that don’t have much, to those that have more than enough. For what? An unnecessary World War Three over Ukraine, which most Americans can’t find on a map nor know anything about? Funding for the persecution of perceived “enemies of the state”? In order to consolidate power to a few corporations like BlackRock and Vanguard, and their beneficiaries like Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and the rest? Blackrock and Vanguard now own a majority stake in over 80% of the Fortune 500… while using ESG and leverage over the government to ensure control and fealty. Is that fascism? If you guessed “yes”, then you are correct. 

(To be continued…)


It’s Not Normal

No matter what you’ve heard, it’s not normal. No matter how calmly the apathetic talking heads on television describe events, nothing that is happening is ordinary nor acceptable. 

Regardless of which political party you support, those that rule over us, deliver news to us, protect us, and entertain us, are lying. Bald faced, with the gusto and enthusiasm of a psychopath. You are being told with a straight face and in monotonous tone that yes, everything that is going on is perfectly fine. Never mind your own lying eyes and ears.  If you’re paying attention, and not a fetus, you probably recognize that life is a bit different than it used to be. Not in the “When I was your age…” way, but in a very real and tangible one. 

 We recently commemorated (did we, really?) yet another 9/11 anniversary. Let me ask you, in the over 2 decades since that awful day, have you become more prosperous and free, or less so? A quick recollection of events since then nets a troubling result. Iraq, the Afghanistan disaster, Syria, Libya, and now Ukraine…does it feel like we’re winning?

Do you think we “won” the pathetic “War on Terror”? Or, as I believe, will future historians note that day in September of 2001 as the day The West fell?

I came to this conclusion quite suddenly when I realized that – in the America I thought existed – we would have rebuilt the World Trade Center immediately, only taller and more magnificent, and had the grand opening on September 11th, 2002. Instead, a decade of maintaining a graveyard in New York City and then the construction of a hideous replacement. To this day I cringe when I watch old tv shows or movies and see the iconic Twin Towers. How could we not restore that skyline? How dare we not?

So what other things, you know, totally normal things, are happening? Let’s have a look.

The US federal government has become a weapon against every person and entity that opposes it, whether foreign or domestic. Simultaneously, that same federal government has become irrevocably corrupt as well as incompetent. Except in issuing unconstitutional decrees and going after its own citizens, that is. 

Faith in institutions like the military, medicine, academia, and law enforcement have collapsed or evaporated completely. Covid vaccine mandates, and adherence to the New Secular Religion of DEI has effectively weeded out and eliminated all of the individual-minded and liberty-loving. Only those that bent the knee still hold their jobs in most institutions, leaving behind the incompetent and the boot-licking. Those that don’t fit that description are afraid and most definitively in the minority. Do you feel good about going to the doctor? How about to work, court, school, and maybe even your church?

Fake medication has been disguised, relabeled, and even redefined as “vaccines”. They are still making the rounds, you are still being told to take them, and they still don’t work. At least at what they claim, that is. I have a suspicion that they may be working quite well, as designed at least. New mandates, masking guidelines, and the nullification of individual rights are being whispered about yet again just in time for election time. Meanwhile no one is asking,

State and federal government routinely and unabashedly violates the constitution, in its application to government and to individual rights. 1st Amendment? 2nd? 4th? What are those? Do they mean anything anymore? Well, if they’re going to ignore those, what about the others? How about the 15th and the 19th? Why not? If you can get rid of some, why can’t you get rid of others?

Illegal immigration is way, way beyond out of control. What was the count when George W Bush left office? 20 million? How many years did you hear that number, yet when you looked around you, there seemed to be an ever-growing amount? Skip forward to now, and the Biden regime admits to over 5 million since gaining power. What do you think it really is? 40, 50, 60 million? More? The ones that Biden has allowed in all receive $2200 a month a piece, in addition to housing and healthcare. So a family of four can net over eight grand a month, not bad. How much do you make? Because you’re paying for it with debt and inflation. Just wait until cowardly politicians agree to just let it slide until chain migration can kick in, too. With AI and technology set to replace many menial jobs, what’s that going to look like? How much lettuce will need hands to pick it? We have imported an unassimilated and unnecessary shadow population of dependents and unknowns. Meanwhile, countries from all over the world dump those they don’t want into America.     ( to be continued )


Just say “Nope”. 

My advice for Donald Trump is just that. Refuse. Resist. Defy. 

Don’t show up for the next Banana Republic arraignment and arrest. 

Don’t play with them anymore. We’re in uncharted territory, and the norms and foundations of law and order are moot. So, Mr. President, don’t give them what they want. They want you in silver bracelets, an orange jumpsuit, jelly shoes, and photographed for their entertainment. They want you to die in jail. 

You know what? Make them WORK FOR IT. Make them send their fascist, jackbooted thugs in SWAT gear to come get you. Make the pathetic Secret Service do their damn job. They protect Hunter, and look the other way while he bangs kids and buys (and does, and does, and does) mountains of crack. The same cover-ups that are so gracefully and silently carried out for The Big Guy and Barack Obama. 

 I keep tuning in to conservative media, and they’re yawning and strategizing, either willfully or ignorantly ignoring the horror of where we are. They, and we, should all be screaming, whether it’s into the wind or not. 

In fact, it’s not just Trump that should be saying “nope”, it’s you as well. If you are called a racist, a transphobe, a deplorable and a clinger…your response should be, “nope”, and laughter should follow. Those words, much like Trump’s sham indictments, should hold NO POWER. 

We give these creatures the air that they breathe. They NEED it. They WANT it. And to their great credit, they’ve succeeded in getting it. Well, I say starve them of their oxygen. Make them show exactly who they are. And in turn, we all have the opportunity to show who WE are, and it is no contest. 

So, indict and arrest. Name-call and allege. My advice? To Trump and the rest of you? 

Repeat after me: “Nope”.

“Just say no.” – Nancy Reagan

When Both Our Cars Collide

That which cannot go on, will not go on. But when does that allegedly inevitable tipping point occur?

When both of our cars collide.

There is much gnashing of teeth and rending of garments on the Professional Right. Trump, with all of his baggage and flaws on one side,and the republican party’s Trump-lite…Ron DeSantis, with all of his unknown baggage and flaws on the other.  The former wanting, needing, revenge. The latter representing a desperate desire to return to a normalcy and a status quo that no longer exists.

The Left? United like The Borg. Much talk about Biden/Harris running again, and whether Michelle Obama will insert herself at the last minute after forgoing debates. Will Biden croak, step aside, or be removed?  Does it matter? With mail in balloting and state-legislature approved fraud in place? With leftist voters willing to vote for the literal dead and mentally deficient, as long as there is a “D” next to their name?


The truth is that the very battle that the sleeping masses now care about has already been waged, and lost. Culture, Media, Entertainment, and most importantly, the very foundations and pillars of all bureaucracy and government, have been overtaken.  A deep and aggressive rot permeates all. What is the cure for an organism so overtaken? Is there one? The think tanks and their white papers have failed. Now they loot the treasury of a rotting republic, one that they hurried along.

I would like to think, I hope and pray actually, that there is a way out in a conventional sense. That sanity overcomes those whom have led us to this place, that grace and wisdom are suddenly gifted to them. But those are empty wishes, and words that fall on deaf ears. Face it, you can feel it. A deep wrongness has quickly seeped into everything like an evil fog, and its coming for you whether you attempt to shelter from it or not. Be honest,  hasn’t it touched you already?

A collision is coming. Like cars running in opposite directions, two opposite ideologies are careening helplessly out of control at full speed, right at each other. One seeking in fanatical fashion to destroy, and the other desperately attempting to avert that destruction.

Buckle up, it’s going to be a hell of a crash.

“We’ll meet again, when both our cars collide.” – My Chemical Romance


