
Just say “Nope”. 

My advice for Donald Trump is just that. Refuse. Resist. Defy. 

Don’t show up for the next Banana Republic arraignment and arrest. 

Don’t play with them anymore. We’re in uncharted territory, and the norms and foundations of law and order are moot. So, Mr. President, don’t give them what they want. They want you in silver bracelets, an orange jumpsuit, jelly shoes, and photographed for their entertainment. They want you to die in jail. 

You know what? Make them WORK FOR IT. Make them send their fascist, jackbooted thugs in SWAT gear to come get you. Make the pathetic Secret Service do their damn job. They protect Hunter, and look the other way while he bangs kids and buys (and does, and does, and does) mountains of crack. The same cover-ups that are so gracefully and silently carried out for The Big Guy and Barack Obama. 

 I keep tuning in to conservative media, and they’re yawning and strategizing, either willfully or ignorantly ignoring the horror of where we are. They, and we, should all be screaming, whether it’s into the wind or not. 

In fact, it’s not just Trump that should be saying “nope”, it’s you as well. If you are called a racist, a transphobe, a deplorable and a clinger…your response should be, “nope”, and laughter should follow. Those words, much like Trump’s sham indictments, should hold NO POWER. 

We give these creatures the air that they breathe. They NEED it. They WANT it. And to their great credit, they’ve succeeded in getting it. Well, I say starve them of their oxygen. Make them show exactly who they are. And in turn, we all have the opportunity to show who WE are, and it is no contest. 

So, indict and arrest. Name-call and allege. My advice? To Trump and the rest of you? 

Repeat after me: “Nope”.

“Just say no.” – Nancy Reagan

Ghost In The Machine

They want you to think they’re clowns.

What you see, sometimes, is not what you see. By 2016 the rules governing the ability of the U.S. government to use military propoganda operations against its own citizens were changed by Barack Obama. Old news? Ok, well how’s it working out so far?  It sure has been an eventful and difficult few years since the rules have changed, hasn’t it?

What does it mean? It means that everything that has happened since, every media byte, every narrative swallowed and regurgitated, every internet trope is a result of this fundamental change, oops, I mean “transformation”.

Here is the US military psyops ad. It’s full of Easter Eggs, if you want to go down the rabbit hole they have constructed for you. Watch it.

Huh, that was weird.

Your government has used – and is using- its military intelligence apparatus against its own people. The results are all around you. The ongoing and never-ending cycle of crisis after crisis? The “existential” and emotional fear over every possible eventuality? The assault on every front? Gender, race, the environment, energy, food, property…all in flux and in a state of confusion. Can you feel it?

Confuse your enemy. Addle them. Give them so many plates to spin that they can focus on nothing else. Think. Take yourself as far out from the symphonic cacophony as you can, and try to hear each instrument individually.  Chaotic noise? Yes. Conducted orchestra nonetheless? Yes.

They have defined an enemy, and they work against them. So, let me ask you, whom do you think their enemy is?

” If your enemy is superior, evade them. If they are angry, irritate them.” – Sun Tzu

“Everyone sees what you appear to be, but few experience what you really are.” – Niccolo Machiavelli

Insane In The Ukraine

Written 10/5/2019 by W. Whitten

Trying to get to the bottom of what the U.S. media has been ignoring regarding Ukraine is exasperating.  It begins earlier than you think, and involves many, many more people than I can include here, but let’s give it a shot.

February 2014 – The President of Ukraine is removed from office due to pressure from the public. A new president, Poroshenko, is sworn into office.

March 2014 – Due to severe financial shortages in Ukraine, Barack Obama agrees to use U.S. dollars to help them rebuild internal services, etc.. In order to insure the money is used wisely, he taps Joe Biden to oversee Ukrainian relief.

April 2014 – Devon Archer (Biden’s financial advisor), Hunter Biden, Chris Heinz (John Kerry’s stepson), and V.P. Joe Biden travel to Ukraine to meet with officials there.

May 2014 – Devon Archer and Hunter Biden become board members of Burisma Gas, a Ukrainian company involved in natural gas extraction.  Also in May, the U.S. gives 1.8 billion in aid to Ukraine with the condition they form a “National Anti-Corruption League”, to be headed by Artem Sytnyk. Sytnyk is given a direct line of communication to the White House.

November 2014 – The 1.8 billion sent to Ukraine is deposited into PrivatBank, a bank owned by Ihor Kolomoisky. Kolomoisky coincidentally also owns Burisma Gas. Due to an “accounting error”, PrivatBank loses the 1.8 billion in U.S. aid.

June 2015 – Donald Trump descends the escalator in Trump Tower to announce his candidacy for president.

By the end of 2015, the United States has become the #1 financial backer of the Ukrainian government. Tony Podesta (Clinton acolyte), Tad Devine (Bernie Sanders chief strategist), Greg Craig (legal counsel to Barack Obama), and Paul Manafort are tasked with working with President Poroshenko to oversee the additional financial support being provided by the United States.

January 2016 – DNC (Democrat National Committee) employee Alexandra Chalupa begins working with Ukrainian officials to develop opposition research on the Trump campaign. Chalupa then sends an email to the DNC saying, “I think there’s a Russia connection…”. She begins her focus on Paul Manafort, who is at the time not associated with Trump or his campaign, because Manafort has split with Podesta/Craig/and Devine over who to support in the next Ukrainian election.

Also in early 2016, Obama invites Ukrainian prosecutors and law enforcement to the White House in order to direct them to not investigate Podesta/Craig/Devine and to focus instead on Paul Manafort – who was backing Poroshenko’s opponent in opposition to the White House. Ukrainian officials were also directed to not investigate the missing 1.8 billion dollars in U.S. aid.

March 2016 – In Ukraine, prosecutor Viktor Shokin is investigating Burisma Gas and it’s board, including Hunter Biden. Joe Biden then travels to Ukraine and directs the government to fire Shokin or an additional 1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees will be denied…and in Joe Biden’s own words, “son of a bitch” they fired him. In Ukraine court documents Shokin states that he was explicitly fired for his investigation into Burisma. He states, ” Obama…and Joe Biden in particular…were telling heads of Ukrainian law enforcement…how to investigate and whom to investigate”.  Shokin was also investigating the embezzlement of U.S. aid through Ukrainian NGO’s financed by George Soros. During this time, over 1 billion in additional aid to Ukraine goes missing.

Coincidently, also in March 2016, Paul Manafort volunteers to work for the Trump campaign. DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa then begins working with the Ukrainian embassy in the U.S. to tie Manafort’s dealings to Trump. The Ukrainian embassy issues a statement saying they were “coordinating on an investigation with the Hillary team on Paul Manafort with Alexandra Chalupa”.  Chalupa then works with journalist Michael Isikoff – who writes a Yahoo News article claiming Trump ties to Russia  through Paul Manafort.

April 2016 – The DNC hires Fusion GPS to get opposition research on the Trump campaign. Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr, whose wife works for Fusion GPS, suddenly has the infamous “Steele Dossier” and moves it into the jurisdiction of the DOJ.

June 2016 – The Obama administration has the FBI officially partner with Artem Sytnyk’s Anti-Corruption League. At the same time, secret FISA warrants are issued on Trump campaign workers based on the Steele Dossier.  Sytnyk proceeds to provide the FBI with evidence implicating Paul Manafort in corruption. The next day, Tony Podesta permanently closes his huge lobbying firm tied to the DNC and the Clinton’s.

Obama then appoints a new ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanavitch. Shokin’s replacement, Yuriy Lutsenko, wants to begin an investigation into Manafort, Burisma, and the missing billions in U.S. aid. He also wants to look into DNC collusion with corrupt Ukrainian officials to dig up dirt on Trump, the misappropriation of a total of 7 billion dollars in aid, Burisma’s 3 million dollar payout to Hunter Biden, and U.S. interference in Ukrainian criminal cases. He meets with Yovanavitch about this and is directed to only investigate Manafort. Yovanavitch then denies visas to Lutsenko and other officials involved in the investigation.

November 2016 – Trump is elected, against the predictions of media and government officials.

July 2017 – Sarah Sanders, in a recorded briefing to the U.S. press, says that the Ukraine has provided proof of collusion between the DNC and now-disgraced Ukrainian officials in a successful attempt to interfere in the U.S. election…by targeting the Trump campaign during the election. The press, again, ignores any evidence of DNC/White House corruption, preferring to focus on Donald Trump Jr’s emails.

October 2017 – Ukraine then proceeds to indict and convict Artem Sytnyk and the Anti-Corruption League for corruption and interference in the U.S. election. During the trial, audio recordings of Sytnyk are released…with him saying, among other things, “Yep. I helped…Hillary. I helped her. I think she would be better for us…but Trump, I think…what he is doing is better for the Americans. Hillary…she belongs to the cohort of politicians who compromise the hegemony in the U.S.. Both in the U.S. and the entire world”.

2018 – Due to widespread corruption, the Ukraine is in chaos. Nothing proceeds regarding the investigations.

April 2019 – After 2 years of investigating “Russian collusion”, the Mueller report comes out. No evidence of obstruction or collusion on the part of Trump and his campaign is found.

Also in April of 2019, Ukraine elects a Trump-like outsider as President, Volodymyr Zelensky. Zelensky begins an attempt to remove the many corrupt elements inside the Ukrainian government.

May 2019 – President Trump fires Marie Yovanavitch as ambassador to Ukraine. The DOJ also begins it’s investigation into the origin of the Russia probe.

July 2019 – Ukrainian President Zelensky recalls and fires his ambassador to the U.S.

July 25th 2019 – President Trump phones President Zelensky to congratulate him on his election victory and to inquire – as is his duty as chief of U.S. law enforcement and in compliance with a 1999 treaty with Ukraine to investigate corruption – into the actions of Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, the CrowdStrike DNC server located in the Ukraine, and Burisma Gas. No withholding of aid to Ukraine is discussed during the call.

August 2019 – DOJ form requirements for filing a whistleblower complaint are altered allowing for second and third-hand hearsay as reliable sources. Within days, a whistleblower report is filed by an unnamed CIA operative – based on 2nd and 3rd hand knowledge – and handed directly to Democrat Representative Adam Schiff’s Intelligence Committee instead of going through normal DOJ procedure.

September 2019 –  Adam Schiff and fellow Democrats begin an “impeachment inquiry” into President Trump without a floor-vote in the House of Representatives as required by law.

This is just the Ukraine timeline. This doesn’t even touch the separate events of the Russia probe, or of the 25th Amendment push, or the leak investigations, or any of the other endless attempts to abort the Trump presidency. It all stinks, and it all goes back to Obama, Clinton, Biden, and the DNC. Can you imagine being the target of all of this disgusting corruption? Do you now understand the depth and scope of the absolute corruption and criminality of the Obama administration, the DNC, the Media, and the Democrat party in government?  All while the Republicans do nothing? Do you see the importance of Jeff Session’s recusal and it’s implications of Republican tolerance, if not cooperation, with the DNC, DOJ, and FBI?

You are being lied to on a massive scale. All to protect Barack Obama and his administration, as well as to protect the corrupt Letter Agencies. How anyone can continue to believe anything coming out of the press and the Democrats is truly amazing. Every bit of information in this column comes from previously published reports, either in the U.S. press or Ukrainian press, yet none of it was investigated nor covered. Insanity indeed.

” We didn’t have a scandal that embarrassed us…” – Barack Hussein Obama

Rewind: Comrade Obama’s Coup

Never investigated. Never questioned.

Have you ever found the hidden image in a “magic eye” pattern? You know, one of those abstract art pictures that contains a hidden image? Once you’ve seen the hidden image, you can’t see that picture again without seeing it………and that same principle can currently be applied to what’s happening right now. We are witnessing what can only be called a secret coup against the newly elected Trump administration, and though it has been hidden, once you see the conspiracy, you cannot unsee it.

Huh. Looks like collusion.

While much Mainstream Media reporting has focused on perceived, or more likely invented, gaffes of the Trump administration, a very sinister plot has been unfolding. My supposition is that on November 9th, when it became clear that the engineered and fixed attempt to elect Hillary Clinton had failed, the Obama administration began to plant the seeds of a silent coup. Since the swearing in of the new president, a series of pre-planned, seditious landmines were laid for the incoming administration……and ever since….. they have been exploding, just as intended, in the face of Donald Trump.

Part of the conspiracy and the cover up. Oh, and media employee.

Ever since the election, claims of Russian interference have been much ballyhooed by the typical actors of The Establishment. In my search for any evidence of this, I actually uncovered the hidden story of how, for example, the state of Georgia did indeed have a breach of its election systems…….but when investigated, it wasn’t the Russians – it was traced back to Obama’s Department of Homeland Security* (*The New York Times). Weird.  Why then, was this not widely reported? Why is it not investigated that Obama has, for the first time in ex-presidential history, decided to move two miles away from the White House and turn his election PAC into Organizing For Action, a force of over 30,000 dedicated to overturning Trump’s election? That explains the black-hooded, Social Justice Warrior, Nazi Stormtroopers currently mobilized in the effort to destroy free speech , like at U.C. Berkeley recently.


So weird that they’re pals, right?

“Tell Vlad I’ll have more flexibility after the election…” Oops.

You want evidence of foreign interference? Why did Valerie Jarrett just move into the Obama household, after also residing with them in the personal quarters of the White House? Who is Valerie Jarrett? Oh……she’s what has been referred to as “Obama’s Brain”, and Obama himself has said that he “can’t make a decision without her”……..and she was also born in Shiraz, Iran. Again…..weird. We’re making deals with Iran, and an Iranian is the closest advisor of the President, and also been instrumental in his ascent to power? If that’s too “out there” for you, what about the 2012 “hot mic” recording of Obama telling Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister of Russia, “Tell Vladimir…. after my election I’ll have more flexibility…..”. Or take Hillary Clinton’s extensive dealings with Putin’s Russia, including the transfer of 20 percent of the United State’s weaponized uranium and the agreed reduction of the U.S nuclear stockpile…….without any reduction in Russia’s. Whom do you think Russia would prefer in power? A capitalist Trump, or a Socialist Clinton as the extension of the Marxist Obama?

Oh sh!t, I was in on it. Good thing CNN and MSNBC pay me to opine.

The hidden image that Trump’s election has exposed……… is the collusion and sedition of those entrusted to protect and defend the American People and the American Constitution.  Whether Republican or Democrat, they are baring their teeth in contempt for those that have placed them in power, and like a cornered animal they are soiling themselves and rabidly attacking. I admit that it would be easier to go back to sleep…….but the will of those that seek to diminish and chain you  depends on your acquiescence. They don’t realize that once you’ve seen the hidden picture, it is impossible to not see.  You may have thought that once we won the election it was over………the reality is that the election was just the beginning.

 ( I published this column almost 2 years ago. Ask yourself, why has it taken so many so long to understand the truth? There is an ongoing coup against an elected president, and the Media is complicit. To accommodate these traitors we should be building the largest gallows ever built, in the shadow of the Washington monument. Unfortunately it seems that treason comes with a book deal nowadays, just ask everyone pictured above. Are you tired of it yet?)


“The lies of the empire and the treason of the quislings shall be defeated.” – Fidel Castro


With Thunderous Applause

I can only scratch my head and punch the wall when I consume what passes for news these days. With that being the case, this author decided to disappear during the Holidays….because let’s be honest: It is nearly impossible to be merry and/or holly-jolly while under the influence of the non-stop campaign of disinformation and hate that grinds on and on and on……..and on and on. Now, even with my decision made, I have decided to remind the smart, and stupid, among us of some of the stubborn facts ignored by mainstream opinion journalism and the purveyors of Groupthink.

Robert Mueller was Director of the FBI from 2001 to 2013. James Comey was his deputy, and then his replacement in 2013. Let that sink in. During Dubya’s and Barry’s presidencies, these guys were running the show. Robert Mueller personally signed off on the criminally investigated Uranium One Deal, brokered by Hillary Clinton ( while Bill Clinton was physically in Moscow earning a half-million dollar “speaking fee” ).  Oh, and good ole’ Rod Rosenstein, as a U.S. attorney, supervised the investigation. Weird huh? Of course these folks – who are hell-bent on destroying Trump, his family, his business, anyone who is associated with him, and even those that voted for him – are super-honorable dudes and above reproach, right? Right. The criminal conspiracy to cover up the illegal action of the Obama administration truly runs deep and wide. Why? Because Hillary was supposed to win, and then the illegal surveillance, unmasking, and other nefarious activities that went on were supposed to up and vanish like a fart in the wind. So, those that either ignored or covered for the crimes of past administrations set events in motion to first defeat, then stall, and then ultimately destroy, a duly elected president and overturn the results of an election.

Speaking of past administrations, Obama’s “scandal free” tenure is a treasure-trove of conspicuous and criminal behavior. Under the current rules made and employed by the DeepState/DOJ/FBI, Barry should have been impeached, imprisoned, and then bankrupted. You see, in 2008, when CIA puppet-boy Obama was ramping up his run for the Oval Office, he arranged for Jeremiah Wright, of “G*d damn America!” fame, to receive $150,000 of campaign cash in order to keep his hateful mouth shut until after the election. This was discovered about the time he and Hillary were engaging in the enormous September 11th, 2012 Benghazi attack/cover-up….but oddly enough, Robert Mueller and gang were uninterested in taking a look, and the press dropped it like a hot rock. Mueller and Comey evidently were also disinterested in prosecuting the president for taking in over 2 million dollars in illegal campaign cash. They were A-OK with having Barry pay a $325,000 fine for that one….you know, ’cause he’s “The One” and stuff.

Fast-forward to the present. Michael “The Rat” Cohen has started weaving tales of corruption in the face of a 3 year sentence for massive tax fraud and shady personal dealings. Michael Flynn’s persecution is being exposed as a sham perjury-trap, and a federal judge has demanded the exculpatory evidence that Comey’s FBI hid from him. With that said, have no doubt: The house is coming down. The very institutions of the Federal Government have been turned against the constitution and the republic. Unelected, compromised, and corrupt “officials” that are part of the Uniparty Establishment grown by the Bush family, nurtured by the Clintons, and flowered by Obama have enacted their coup de tat, and you are about to witness the destruction of not only a president, but the rule of law and any faith left in government and its propaganda press.

In my opinion, the sh!t is about to hit the fan. There is a convergence of conspiratorial events happening. Media, Bureaucracy, the Uniparty Legislature, the privately owned and operated Federal Reserve ( the same one that kept interest rates at near/or zero for the entirety of Obama’s presidency, yet have raised rates repeatedly since the Trump boom ), the derelict and tainted Judiciary,  and the collective Academic Establishment are all seemingly working in concert to bring about the end of the current administration.

It’s no coincidence that these events are manifesting at this time of year. Most folks are trying to eke out some Holiday enjoyment, and after a long year of being worn down and berated are tired of paying attention. Be warned, things are about to get much, much worse. To defend the current president is about to be the equivalent of wearing a yellow armband and a yarmulke in 1940 Germany. You are about to see some crazy stuff……stuff you never thought you would see in the United States of America, stuff that happens in a Banana Republic or a bad movie. In the effort to “get Trump”, we are about to witness the absolute tearing down of a nation, without thought of the consequences nor the disaster it will bring.

Oh, and Merry Christmas.


“So this is how liberty dies….with thunderous applause.” – The Revenge Of The Sith




False Flag

It used to be called an “October Surprise”, but I’m going to call it exactly what it is: a series of orchestrated and coordinated attacks put on as a puppet show in order to further one’s political goals. One of history’s greatest examples?

“Reichstag fire: Reichstag fire, the burning of the Reichstag (parliament) building in Berlin on the night of February 27, 1933, a key event in the establishment of the Nazi dictatorship and widely believed to have been contrived by the newly formed Nazi government to turn public opinion against its opponents and to assume new powers.” -Brittanica 

According to, ahem….”news sources”, some right-wing Trump worshipping whacko put a bomb in retired-Nazi George Soros’ mailbox. Because George gets his own mail and has no video surveillance of that part of his property, this was a genius ploy. Well, nobody cared. At the same time, news of a caravan of diseased and entitled Central Americans marching to the border and demanding free stuff was backfiring on its leftist/socialist organizers. This after the Kavanaugh confirmation backfire, and the 625 days of #OrangeManBad backfire, and the Russia backfire, and the hookers peeing on the bed backfire. Even the Stormy storm left the Left all wet.  By the way, where’s Mueller? Oh well….maybe a Drumphian will try and bomb CNN, Obama and the Clintons all at the same exact time! How timely and convenient!

The Left, Media, and Democrat party have been watching their supposed “blue wave” turn into a “red ripple”, seeing their lead in the generic polls dwindle and then – gasp! – reverse. So, what is a group of folks completely devoid of a moral compass and with an unlimited thirst for power to do? I’ll tell you what. Stage a series of false flag attacks directed at high-level democrats two weeks out of losing an election, have your media hacks hype and propagandize the events, and then attempt to paint your peaceful and non-riotous political opposition as the cause and perpetrator.

Nevermind that right-leaning and moderate people are not violent, and that 99 percent of political violence since Trump’s election has been on the left, or that Maxine Waters/Clinton/Obama have all called for incivility and “resistance” – by tonight this will all be the fault of Evil King Drumph. I mean, why not? Isn’t everything?

I call bullsqueeze. No person that wants to see  the republicans hold the 3 branches of government in November, no matter how fed up and angry, would sabotage that effort. I just don’t find it believable. I do, however, believe the Left would do anything to win and gain power. It’s all about stopping Trump, all the time. You didn’t care about Muslim Brotherhood toadie Khashoggi getting chopped up by the Saudis, or all of the aforementioned backfires……so now it’s time for them to amp it up to fake domestic terrorism in order to get a few more rubes and dopes to Uber to the polls on election day.  Everything seems to be very suspiciously timed and motivated, and we all know who has the history of blowing stuff up in the U.S., don’t we? The Left has nothing left, no ideas, no soul, and no platform…..all that remains is violence and theatre.


“When you hear me say ‘by any means necessary’….I mean exactly that.” – Malcom X



I Don’t Need Your Civil War

( I first published this column in June of 2013…..when it comes to Syria, what has changed? – Wes of The Empire 04/08/2018 )

Okay, let me get this straight. On another continent, thousands of miles away, there is a country in the midst of an ongoing civil war. And we need to do something about it. Really? Why?

I love history. I am fascinated with the rise and fall of civilization throughout the ages, and also the way our knowledge of the events that have transpired seems to be ever-changing. This amateur hobby greatly affects my interpretation of current happenings. Rome often went to war…. but I can’t recall the instance where it went to war for nothing. It was for gain. Gain of precious metals, land for expansion, influence, captives, or even to increase your resume – sometimes all of these at the same time.

But why does our Republic go to war now? In fact, regardless of the sheepish bleating of the Michael Moores of the world, we haven’t gone to war for any good reason in over 60 years. And if you think our recent escapades in the middle east were for “Big Oil”, check the price of gas. I’m at the point where we should at least have cheap, plentiful fuel in exchange for the lives and limbs of American servicemen and women. At least history would record the reason for our decade-plus conflict as a practical one.

So here we are. Once again an American president is sitting next to a Soviet, oops… I mean Russian, leader, contemplating going to yet another proxy war with the land of the Tzars. If I remember correctly, we haven’t won one of those. I wish Rambo did exist, and with a tank-top and an M-60 machine gun he could single-handedly vanquish our foes without recieving more than a flesh wound, but he doesn’t. Vietnam sucked, and Korea was at best a stand-off. Maybe if we enslaved, oops…there I go again, I mean, conscripted millions to throw themselves against the Communist Hordes we would have had a better outcome.

When I look around me, I don’t see a populace ready to suit up and watch their buddies get turned into strawberry jam by an exploding IED. Not for some vague concept of policing the world or spreading “democracy” to people who wouldn’t recognize it, and if they did would reject it. The only people I do see ready to throw more Americans into the grinder are in D.C.. I’ve been watching McCain trundle in front of the cameras to tell me how important it is to not mind our own business. He’s fighting harder to get us into a third middle eastern conflict than he did to win the White House.

Oh, and I left out an important fact….. we’re freaking broke. America needs to be ordering off the Dollar Menu, not adding billions more to its bar tab. Here’s an idea…. let’s rebuild our own infrastructure before we blow up and rebuild someone else’s. Besides, we evidently are already going to send the “rebels” ( probably Al Qaeda-types ) some really sweet guns to use on us….oops, this is becoming a habit…. I mean on the bad guys. I seem to remember that every time we arm “freedom fighters”, they end up using those weapons to fight our freedom. Besides, maybe Egypt can send in all those brand new state-of-the-art fighter jets we sent them.

Truth is America cannot afford, in money, reputation, or willpower, to engage in another nation’s civil war. And judging by the look on Putin’s face while sitting next to our Fearless Leader, he knows it.

Finding Memo

The much-anticipated, and much maligned, House Intelligence Committee memo has been declassified and released. There are two types of response to the 4-page memo. One is that it is no big deal and inconsequential, and the other is that it is indicative of collusion and corruption between a political campaign, the FBI, and the Department of Justice. You can also place the people commenting on the memo into two categories : those that have read and understand it, and those who haven’t and just take CNN/MSNBC at their word. If you’re in the first camp, you are likely outraged and if you’re in the second, you’re likely misinformed and falling for DeepState propaganda.

Let’s sum up what we learned from the memo. Four times before, during, and after the 2016 election, the DOJ and FBI went to the FISA court ( an unconstitutional secret court that allows spying on American citizens without telling them ) to get a warrant to surveil Carter Page, a peripheral and sometime advisor to the Trump campaign. The warrant requests also mention George Papadopoulos as being a target of the infamous Peter Strzok – the FBI guy who wanted an “insurance policy” against Trump being president. No connection between Papadopoulos and Page was made in the requests, though both are mentioned.

According to the memo, the sole reason for the warrant request was the now infamous “Steele dossier” that claimed Trump liked Russian watersports. Here’s the rub: The dossier was a compilation of lies bought and paid for by the Clinton campaign using opposition research firm Fusion GPS. The DOJ and FBI paid ex-foreign spy Christopher Steele, who had been paid by the DNC as well, for the dossier. At the same time, Fusion GPS provided YahooNews with the dossier, and YahooNews printed a story based on it. James Comey and company then took the YahooNews story and the Fusion GPS/Steele dossier to the FISA court as the basis for warrants to spy on the Trump campaign all the way into the White House and beyond. They may still be doing it.

It gets even nastier when you start really digging into it. Bruce Ohr,  Associate Deputy Attorney General for the Department of Justice, was feeding the Steele dossier to the FBI, while not disclosing that his wife Nellie worked for Fusion GPS. Everyone involved knew that this was all garbage, yet they pumped it to the FISA court and beyond in order to derail Trump’s chances in the election, and when that failed, they continued to use the dossier to subvert and overturn the Trump presidency. In the larger context, when you take Peter Strzok’s (remember: he was the lead FBI agent in charge of investigating Clinton, investigating Michael Flynn, and investigating “Russian collusion”) text messages to his lover, another member of the Russia investigation, it points to the DOJ and FBI conspiring to let Clinton off the hook and railroad Trump.

What the memo means is that members of the Establishment DeepState used false information, planted news stories, and Clinton-funded opposition research to spy on Donald Trump before and after being elected. In other words, Trump has been right all along. Ask yourself, who and what else? How many American citizens were illegally spied on by Obama’s FBI and DOJ? What other corrupt activities did they undertake in an effort to throw an election? And perhaps most importantly……why is Robert Mueller investigating “Russian collusion”? This is just the beginning of what we’re going to uncover, as the rancid fruit from this poisonous tree is rotting all over the place, and it stinks. Put all of this into the context of everything else that’s gone on in the last 2 years……Obama judges blocking orders, Obama DOJ officials refusing to follow orders, Obama-worshipping Media printing and reporting never-ending fake news ( Operation Mockingbird ), and on and on and on. Connect the dots…….our bureaucratic Establishment and the Obama administration, arm in arm with the DNC and Hillary Clinton, worked – and are still working – in concert to overthrow the will of the people and abuse their civil rights.

In truth, even if you despise Trump, the revelation of this memo certainly shows that – at the highest levels – federal law enforcement has been weaponized and made grossly partisan. Would you want to be under investigation from this crooked DOJ and FBI? Would you have looked the other way if it was Bush’s DOJ and FBI doing this exact same thing to Obama in 2007 and 2008? As Americans we must ensure that we can trust our law enforcement institutions, and I don’t…….do you?

“One cannot and must not try to erase the past merely because it does not fit the present” – Golda Meir

Thanks Obama!

He’s called “the Shadow President”, and everywhere Trump goes, he is sure to follow. It’s not in the American Media much, but sure enough………..he pops up at the same places that President Trump has just visited and proceeds to meet with the same people. Now, maybe it isn’t being reported because the press has decided to stop fawning over – and heaping undeserved praise upon – good ole Barry, but I doubt it.  Me being me, I have a different and more researched opinion. It’s very simple…….the Shadow President is doing the work overseas that his Shadow Government is doing here at home. You didn’t think that his Soros-funded “Organizing for Action” group, that has millions of dollars and a rented compound blocks from the White House, was for nothing, did you?

Sure, when the talking heads on TV say that he’s trying to preserve his “legacy”, that’s part of it…….but the real focus is much more insidious. If you haven’t figured it out yet, the election last November wasn’t just a surprise to the Washington and Global Establishment, it wasn’t supposed to happen in the first place. The reaction and actions of Globalist media and Establishment politicians has been more than just the standard fare of attacks…… it has been a year of outright sedition, a literal 24/7 attempt to overthrow the outcome of an election. If you think that’s hyperbole, then you haven’t been paying attention. Obama has been following Trump around the world in order to continue this objective……and I’d bet dollars to donuts that his words are something like, ” hey…..I know you think we’ve lost control of our New World Order thing, but don’t be fooled…….my bureaucrats, weaponized FBI, appointed judges, and intelligence agencies are gonna take care of this guy, and then we’ll make sure that no one outside of our little aristocrat club ever wins, or runs, again…”.

On top of his private meetings, Barry also has been giving speeches. The kind of stuff he’s saying in them is pretty nasty, and also pretty indicative of him and his pals. Classless demagogues hysterically bent on subverting the American economy, culture, and spirit. He directly compared Trump to Hitler, and warned of millions of deaths like those caused by World War 2……which is pretty sick, especially for an ex-president, but why start being a statesman now, right? The gem of his speeches was what he said about the economy since last November……..he took credit. Really……he took credit for the boom that began the day after we all found out there wouldn’t be a 3rd socialist term for the left. He even said, “Thanks Obama”. He’s either a horrible liar, completely out of touch, bitter, or angry that his plants in unelected government have been unsuccessful – so far – in running Trump and his “America 1st” agenda out of town. I say it’s all of the above……but in the spirit of his ridiculous claim I’ll follow through on his behalf.

For 8 years of less than 2 percent GDP growth and the lowest workforce participation rate in history, Thanks Obama.

For being the most secretive and non-transparent administration in history, Thanks Obama.

For 8 years of inflaming race relations and stoking the worst racial division since the 60’s, Thanks Obama.

For stacking the Judiciary with crazy-ass liberals whom ignore and subvert U.S. law and the constitution, Thanks Obama.

For taking the giant mess that “W” made in the Middle East and screwing it up even more, as the only thing worse than being in a bad war is losing one, Thanks Obama.

For sleeping in till 10 am, shooting hoops, and smokin’ cigarettes while North Korea got the bomb and China made its own islands in the South China Sea, Thanks Obama.

For getting slobbering, ass-licking coverage from the Media on everything from bad policies to the White House “Holiday” decorations….including ignoring all of the stuttering uhs and ums in his interviews and statements, and et cetera, et cetera……Thanks Obama.

For creating a weaponized press that treats establishment lies as facts and attempts to destroy anyone and anything that contradicts your extreme global leftism, Thanks Obama.

For an entire young generation in existential crisis after 8 years of creating and inserting identity and tribal politics into every aspect of American life, Thanks Obama.

For creating the conditions globally that have led to the death of millions and international chaos, all in the name of your fake “red lines” and support of the Muslim Brotherhood over our traditional allies, Thanks Obama.

For the record number of illegals and “refugees” that are not assimilated and are completely dependent on taxpayer-funded welfare and subsidies, Thanks Obama.

For running the most unconstitutional federal government since the Civil War, Thanks Obama.

For weaponizing all federal agencies, from the IRS to the FBI, that have done everything from spying on reporters, punishing “Tea Party” groups, and as is now completely obvious – creating a democrat party that pays for fake “dossiers” on political opponents and then uses them to illegally issue warrants, start above-and outside-the-law investigations, all in an attempt to overthrow and subvert a dually elected president, Thanks Obama.

And finally, for getting the hell out of the White House and ensuring that your policies were so hated that the American public stood up in numbers large enough to get around your party’s gerrymandering and illegal alien voting……….Thanks, Obama.


  “We are five days away from the fundamental transformation of America….” – Barrack Obama




The Day After Impeachment?

It should be obvious to anyone who’s not an idiot that there was never an investigation about “Russian collusion”. If there was such an investigation – and if “collusion” was actually illegal – the Clintons, Mainstream Media, virtually the entire congress, Barack Obama and his entire staff, the FBI, and the rest of the intelligence community would be behind bars. In truth, we would have to just wall off Washington, D.C. like it was “Escape From New York”. In fact, the only evidence of nefarious activities between people in our government and the Kremlin is the inaction, indifference, and downright pandering towards Russia by the Obama administration and the Clintons.

The investigation taking place for 11 months under the corrupt, black eye of Robert Mueller has always been an impeachment investigation. Why? Because the unthinkable happened. The simple timeline is as follows:  The Establishment chose Clinton as successor to Obama. Astroturf opposition to her presidency was put forth in the guise of Jeb!, Lil’ Marco Rubio, and Lyin’ Ted Cruise……in fact, all of the contenders – with the exception of Rand Paul – were Bush Dynasty constructs. Clinton was supposed to win, and the crushing wave of ignorant 3rd worlders and mindless philosophy of Progressivism was supposed to continue. The plan was to spend trillions more in entitlement debt, gain more control over every aspect of your life, oversee the deconstruction of The United States in favor of foreign interests, and to subvert the economy in the name of “saving the planet”. The unexpected and unplanned election of Donald Trump put a hold on all of that……..and according to our new Royal class – the D.C. inbred – that could not be tolerated. Why?

Have you looked around lately? Do you have a 401K? Do you invest or have money in market-based plans? If so, then you know how amazing the Trump presidency has been so far. The day that Donald Trump was elected, the Stock Market closed at 18,322. As of this very minute it is 24, 311. That is over 4.5 trillion dollars in added value to the American stock market……and it’s historic. Obama couldn’t manage GDP growth at even 2 percent in his 8 years in office…..and he spent more in those 8 years than in the previous 200. Trump has already increased this number to 3.2 percent, with experts predicting United States’ GDP may reach over 4.5 percent by the end of the year. Unemployment, even using Obama’s fake adjusted formula, has decreased “bigly”. Illegal border crossings are down as much as 70 percent. Americans have more optimism about the economy and their future than they have had in over 20 years. Corporations all over the world have been moving back to the U.S………and manufacturing, long considered a dead industry in the States, is being resurrected like Lazarus from his death bed.

When it comes to foreign affairs and diplomacy, much of the deterrence lost by Obama has been partially restored after a year of “uncouth” Trump and his policies. The apologies and self-loathing that Obama engaged in, the murderous entanglements that Hillary created in places like Libya and Syria, the false “red lines”, and lead-from-behind dithering that they both enjoyed created a world in utter chaos. However, nations that were bending us over are now bending over for us……..just take a look at Saudi Arabia. Even the actions of North Korea are a symptom of the new-found, healthy fear and respect of the United States that Trump has brought about.

What’s all this mean, you say? I’ll tell you. Friday, Brian Ross and ABC news aired a fake report claiming that Trump had directed poor Michael Flynn to contact the evil Russians. Joy Behar – a disgusting partisan hag – proceeded to orgasm ( barf coming up in the back of my mouth ) on “The View” upon reading the Brian Ross/ABC report. Well, guess what? The stock market tanked over 300 points that afternoon. Progressives and Libtards rejoiced!  Uh……oops. ABC had to “adjust” that story because it was bullsqueeze……but that doesn’t replace the REAL money lost because of their deranged, deluded, and unhinged politics. Do you understand yet? The stakes are REAL. The narrative of the Media, Hollywood, and Democrats is FAKE.

With that said……..if the Brian Ross report – just ONE fake story – caused that much financial chaos, what do you think the impeachment of Trump – based on a FAKE, Clinton-paid-for dossier – would do? Here’s some predictions.

The stock market will crash in a manner not seen since The Great Depression. People will lose their savings and retirement accounts. All of the orders and initiatives undertaken by Trump’s administration – that have reinvigorated the economy –  will be rendered void.  The same lying pieces of garbage that infest and inhabit Washington, D.C. will go on television to assure you that they know best when they don’t – because Trump has exposed how empty, ignorant, and foolish they are. People will take to the streets…..and not the basement-dwelling, internet-porn addicted millennials that are in “Antifa”, but Trump voters and members of The Silent Majority who are armed, patriotic, and angry. There won’t be people in “p*ssy hats” marching to “Nasty Woman” poems read by has-beens nor Hollywood bozos mouthing off at Awards shows, there will be bloody rebellion.   There will be one or more hostile nations that take this opportunity to move against The United States and/or her allies. There will be martial law, militarized police checkpoints, and the end of liberty. Your money, savings, and possessions will be worthless, and widespread anarchy, looting, and race riots will be the new normal.

I’m asking all of you demo-fascists……….is it going to be worth it? Your petty partisan politics, your fake news, your failed political party and their rigged and corrupt activities, your 57 genders, anti-white racism and Islamo-pandering, your fear-mongering and dog-whistling…….in a hard world with hard players and with lives at stake……..are they REAL?  Is the pride of a bunch of twisted pedos and reprobates in government – who have grown obscenely rich and opulent off of the work of others – worth your life, the lives of your family, their futures, and the very future of the country you live in? Are so many so separated from reality that they fail to understand the ramifications of what is being perpetrated? If the scum that populates the halls of government and media are successful in their endeavours, the spoiled and pampered existence of much of the American population will come to a violent, chaotic end. If you haven’t thought about what happens the day after their fever-dream of impeachment is realized…….you need to start.


” It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, more vengeance, and more desolation..” – William Tecumseh Sherman