With Thunderous Applause

I can only scratch my head and punch the wall when I consume what passes for news these days. With that being the case, this author decided to disappear during the Holidays….because let’s be honest: It is nearly impossible to be merry and/or holly-jolly while under the influence of the non-stop campaign of disinformation and hate that grinds on and on and on……..and on and on. Now, even with my decision made, I have decided to remind the smart, and stupid, among us of some of the stubborn facts ignored by mainstream opinion journalism and the purveyors of Groupthink.

Robert Mueller was Director of the FBI from 2001 to 2013. James Comey was his deputy, and then his replacement in 2013. Let that sink in. During Dubya’s and Barry’s presidencies, these guys were running the show. Robert Mueller personally signed off on the criminally investigated Uranium One Deal, brokered by Hillary Clinton ( while Bill Clinton was physically in Moscow earning a half-million dollar “speaking fee” ).  Oh, and good ole’ Rod Rosenstein, as a U.S. attorney, supervised the investigation. Weird huh? Of course these folks – who are hell-bent on destroying Trump, his family, his business, anyone who is associated with him, and even those that voted for him – are super-honorable dudes and above reproach, right? Right. The criminal conspiracy to cover up the illegal action of the Obama administration truly runs deep and wide. Why? Because Hillary was supposed to win, and then the illegal surveillance, unmasking, and other nefarious activities that went on were supposed to up and vanish like a fart in the wind. So, those that either ignored or covered for the crimes of past administrations set events in motion to first defeat, then stall, and then ultimately destroy, a duly elected president and overturn the results of an election.

Speaking of past administrations, Obama’s “scandal free” tenure is a treasure-trove of conspicuous and criminal behavior. Under the current rules made and employed by the DeepState/DOJ/FBI, Barry should have been impeached, imprisoned, and then bankrupted. You see, in 2008, when CIA puppet-boy Obama was ramping up his run for the Oval Office, he arranged for Jeremiah Wright, of “G*d damn America!” fame, to receive $150,000 of campaign cash in order to keep his hateful mouth shut until after the election. This was discovered about the time he and Hillary were engaging in the enormous September 11th, 2012 Benghazi attack/cover-up….but oddly enough, Robert Mueller and gang were uninterested in taking a look, and the press dropped it like a hot rock. Mueller and Comey evidently were also disinterested in prosecuting the president for taking in over 2 million dollars in illegal campaign cash. They were A-OK with having Barry pay a $325,000 fine for that one….you know, ’cause he’s “The One” and stuff.

Fast-forward to the present. Michael “The Rat” Cohen has started weaving tales of corruption in the face of a 3 year sentence for massive tax fraud and shady personal dealings. Michael Flynn’s persecution is being exposed as a sham perjury-trap, and a federal judge has demanded the exculpatory evidence that Comey’s FBI hid from him. With that said, have no doubt: The house is coming down. The very institutions of the Federal Government have been turned against the constitution and the republic. Unelected, compromised, and corrupt “officials” that are part of the Uniparty Establishment grown by the Bush family, nurtured by the Clintons, and flowered by Obama have enacted their coup de tat, and you are about to witness the destruction of not only a president, but the rule of law and any faith left in government and its propaganda press.

In my opinion, the sh!t is about to hit the fan. There is a convergence of conspiratorial events happening. Media, Bureaucracy, the Uniparty Legislature, the privately owned and operated Federal Reserve ( the same one that kept interest rates at near/or zero for the entirety of Obama’s presidency, yet have raised rates repeatedly since the Trump boom ), the derelict and tainted Judiciary,  and the collective Academic Establishment are all seemingly working in concert to bring about the end of the current administration.

It’s no coincidence that these events are manifesting at this time of year. Most folks are trying to eke out some Holiday enjoyment, and after a long year of being worn down and berated are tired of paying attention. Be warned, things are about to get much, much worse. To defend the current president is about to be the equivalent of wearing a yellow armband and a yarmulke in 1940 Germany. You are about to see some crazy stuff……stuff you never thought you would see in the United States of America, stuff that happens in a Banana Republic or a bad movie. In the effort to “get Trump”, we are about to witness the absolute tearing down of a nation, without thought of the consequences nor the disaster it will bring.

Oh, and Merry Christmas.


“So this is how liberty dies….with thunderous applause.” – The Revenge Of The Sith




Crybaby Comey

Christmas morning came yesterday for the Progressive Left, and all that was under the tree was a giant lump of coal. Strangely though, after the “testimony” of the World’s Biggest Baby – James Comey – the news didn’t seem to reflect what I saw and heard. First of all, I find Congressional testimony of any kind to be vapid, pointless, and a waste of tax dollars……..and yesterday was no exception. Secondly, any member of congress that speaks doesn’t really ask any questions, they spit out talking points for 20 minutes in an attempt to lead the “witness” to the answer they desire……and again, yesterday was no exception. So…..let me refine for you what happened: The Uniparty narrative of Russian/Trump collusion died, and James Comey demonstrated that he is an embarrassment to law enforcement officials and grown-ups everywhere.

I heard a lot of obvious lies from Comey. Like the creepy, juvenile way he claimed that Trump whispered leerily in his ear, ” I really look forward to working with you”……after the 6 foot 8 Comey’s attempt to hide in the oval office curtains failed. The problem is that the meeting is on video, and Comey’s claim is patently false. It also seems that the press is now deciding which of the former FBI director’s statements are lies, and which are not. When he says that he was pressured to lay off Hillary, he’s lying…..but when he says Trump used “body language” to influence his investigation, he’s telling the truth. I see.

How much longer will Congress use this ridiculous snipe-hunt as an excuse to not do the business of governing? What the hell is the point of voting Republican, or at all? I have been absolutely blown away by the monumental production put on by idiots like Rubio ( let’s be honest his only focus is deciding whether to run in ’20, or ’24 ) and the blatantly senile John McCain in an effort to “get to the bottom” of things. Remember, this is a Republican investigation.  Well, they certainly have hit bottom for sure………because six months into complete Republican control of government………. no wall, no tax reform, no Obamacare repeal, no Trump appointees approved to replace Obama’s deepstate……….nada. They are on a path to complete defeat in 2018, and they will try to blame it on Trump instead of themselves……because they still think you’re stupid.

Now back to the embarrassment that was, and is, James Comey. Is this what 8 years of an identity politics manchild being in charge does to the institutions of our government? The immaturity and whining of Comey, Sally Yates, and every other Obama-era imbedded official is astonishing. It seems that during the last two terms, important positions were filled with millennial morons and maturity-retarded desk-jockeys that are all-too-willing to subvert federal law, and the U.S. Constitution, in a scorched-earth partisan quest to destroy an elected president. Comey came off as a giant pansy…..weeping over being criticized as a crappy FBI director after being fired. In the vein of a 15-year-old girl, after being dumped he decided to leak classified documents, through a pal, to the media in a quest for revenge. He said, “I hoped it would trigger the appointment of a special prosecutor”……and it did. The deepstate then appointed Comey’s mentor, and real-life best friend, Robert Mueller to the position. Gee, I wonder what his “investigation” will look like…….especially since there is now no need for one, according to Comey’s own testimony. How is Comey walking free? Why isn’t he in jail?

Comey also went on to slander Trump with cries of, “I just had to write everything down, I was so worried about him lying”, and “I felt intimidated”. This giant (literally) wuss was a federal prosecutor and director of the FBI! Federal prosecutors, heck…..prosecutors in general, are ego-driven lawyers – that only care about how many “wins” they score in court and how many of their cases are overturned, not about the guilty or innocent…….all in a quest to be the next Mayor, Governor, or Congressman. Sorry…..but it’s the truth…….and we’re supposed to believe that this career government strong-arm enforcer  was just too terrified of Trump, and too “weak” and “cowardly” to act on Trump’s mean bullying. Only one thing became clear to me after yesterday’s testimony……that Trump was called a liar by a feeble hack that has been proven a liar. Oh……and that Obama’s Justice Department ordered a cover-up of the Hillary Clinton investigation…….but we knew that already, didn’t we?

Are you still in doubt about the insane effort to destroy the Trump presidency and it’s anti-globalist agenda by the Uniparty and the Progressive media machine? What soap-opera tripe will be squeezed out next? Will it still be “Russia, Russia, Russia!”, or more of John McCain’s golden-shower fictions? Maybe more of Colbert’s and Bill Maher’s incest fantasies? More stories about ice cream scoops?  What excuse will Congress now use to do nothing for the American People? The lies and hate spewing forth from the fiction-peddlers at the New York Times and the Washington Post are only increasing with every defeat of their narrative, and I don’t see that stopping now. I’ve always wondered how the people in Hitler’s bunker kept doubling-down on their sad claims of beating back the allies while the world burned around them, and what their mindset might have been…….well, now I know. Thanks, Establishment….now get back to your bunker……as the world burns around the rest of us.


“Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on……….or by imbeciles that really mean it……” – Mark Twain


There Will Be Blood

Many of you may be asking yourselves, “when will it stop?”.  The answer is never………not until “it” ends in violence. There is a non-stop assault on the President of The United States by the unelected intelligence agencies, the unelected and unaccountable press, and the unelected special interests that fund virtually every member of Congress, and it will not end well. It has gotten so bad that every American should be outraged, even if you hate Trump’s policies ( more likely it’s hate of his personality and a lack of understanding that Clinton lost – but that’s ok too ) you should realize that regardless of whom is in the White House, this ongoing sedition on behalf of the aforementioned parties can only end in disaster. I can honestly say that even if Hillary Clinton had been elected, and was being treated in the same fashion, my opinion would be the same…….and so would my conclusions.

Let me explain where the road that we are on leads to: War. No matter which way you slice it, the only outcome will be very unpleasant for all of us, even the idiots that are currently consumed and deformed by their political hate and blind-rage hypocrisy. Leftist Progs in media, government, and entertainment have decided, subconsciously or not, to put politics above the very security of this country and the safety and prosperity of its citizens – all because they didn’t get their way.  When it comes to Russia……..they thought the same thing as the media up until election day……namely that Hillary would be president……and anything they did or didn’t do was to sow trouble for their main competitor. Every story involving Russia is crap, and the fact that so many are so willing to swallow every steaming nugget is a testament to their political delusion…..and the ones feeding them the scat know it.

Our corrupt members of congress ( both parties ) know the Russia stuff is dumb, but they also know that their voters are as well, and they are using this narrative to avoid doing anything that would stop their ride on the gravy train. When the Russia narrative fails, they use their fall-back plan of leaking and fabricating hourly “scandals” as the excuse to do nothing. Whom can be bothered to govern by lowering corporate tax rates, reforming immigration and healthcare, and curbing spending while they’re busy chasing turds down the sewer pipe of fake news?  Pretty damned convenient, isn’t it?

I know many of you may be wondering what I think of the latest hysteria regarding James Comey’s supposed and unseen handwritten “memo”, and to be honest, it’s just another example of what I just explained. Comey was and is incompetent and untrustworthy, and everyone should be happy that he’s gone. The hissyfits happening about the story in the Washington Post are pretty hilarious…..considering it’s based on an anonymous phone call where an anonymous “source” read ( yes, read…. not faxed or emailed or anything else ) an alleged handwritten memo, written allegedly by Comey, that alleged that Trump allegedly said  “I hope you let it go” regarding Mike Flynn’s alleged Russian ties. Yawns, sighs, and eye rolls…… that’s all this non-story gets from me. If you disagree with me, I have been read an anonymous memo by an anonymous source that says your wrong.

The truth is that if the Progressive Left and their Neo-Con pals got what they wanted, which would be Trump going on live TV, signing an executive order naming Hillary dictator-for-life, and then committing suicide………the outcome would still be a bad one for them in the end. Unless something changes, and I don’t think it will, the only logical end to the aggressively divisive agenda of these people will be either a civil war, or another world war……..or both at the same time. In any case, whether it’s in the cities of the European Continent, the sands of the Middle East, or the streets of America…………….there will be blood.


“A lie told often enough becomes the truth…….” – Vladimir Lenin