Saturday Returns


Out of respect for Easter, the most important Christian holiday, and then out of respect for Tax Weekend, the Government’s most important holiday, we took some time off. Now we’re back!

You know the drill, get out there and enjoy your weekend!



AI Fragility

Do you think AI will save you? Well, even though Google claims to have fixed their racist “artificial intelligence”, it’s STILL racist. The future is here, and it sucks. These are screenshots of what Google’s Gemini gave as images of George Washington and some Vikings.

Oh, and the Pope.


Then it gave me different answers to the same question, with one word changed.

Here’s “what is white fragility?”.

And now the answer to “what is black fragility?”.

They may have temporarily “fixed replacing all white people with POC’s in their image results, but the racism is still there. Prepare accordingly for the Brave New 1984. Garbage in, garbage out.


The Uniparty In Action

Give this a listen. This is the same conversation someone had with Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley…how much money did they take for obedience? Decide for yourself how many GOP phonies took this kind of deal. My guess is the next threat is your alleged skeletons being drug out of the closet. Remember, it’s not normal. They sold us out. Just so you know, Jeff Dewit – the man in the leaked audio – resigned his position as of 1/24/24. 

Fast forward to the audio.

Do you get how dirty it is yet? Why were there ANY GOP primary challengers? In case you missed it, there are threats of violence in there. Wake up.