AI Fragility

Do you think AI will save you? Well, even though Google claims to have fixed their racist “artificial intelligence”, it’s STILL racist. The future is here, and it sucks. These are screenshots of what Google’s Gemini gave as images of George Washington and some Vikings.

Oh, and the Pope.


Then it gave me different answers to the same question, with one word changed.

Here’s “what is white fragility?”.

And now the answer to “what is black fragility?”.

They may have temporarily “fixed replacing all white people with POC’s in their image results, but the racism is still there. Prepare accordingly for the Brave New 1984. Garbage in, garbage out.


Everything Is All White

We hear much about racism these days. In fact, we’ve been told, conditioned you might say, that systemic and foundational racism is the driver of every dynamic in our society in the 21st century.

Never you mind that most people don’t understand the difference between prejudice, which cannot be conquered, and racism, which can be conquered. Defeating racism requires only enforcing codified equal representation and legal and constitutional equality. Prejudice is then made moot by the inability for one to act on it. For instance, one may dislike – or be prejudiced against for some reason- a peer in a work environment, but it is still illegal, unethical, and immoral for one to subject that peer to differential treatment, and the loss of one’s livelihood and their reputation will be the result. Another example would be a property owner – whether an individual or a corporate entity – not renting or selling that property to someone based on their prejudice, whatever that prejudice may be. Laws exist specifically to prevent this, and to punish those that do not abide by them.

With that said, I have been troubled over the last few years with the rise of government and corporate “diversity, inclusion, and equity” directives. Sure, kicking the dead and rotting carcass of slavery and the civil rights movement for “educational” purposes is fine, but dividing, shaming, berating, and now discriminating against others based on immutable inherited qualities like skin color isn’t just hateful and counterproductive, it’s (gasp!) racist.

In response to this new anti-racism racism, I set myself on a quest to find an example of socially accepted and promoted racism. An example so egregious and blatant that my opinion would be swayed regarding institutional and corporate racism. Well folks, I found it, and I’d like to share it with you so that you can admit to the racism that, in fact, DOES exist all around you.  Please watch the following clip in its entirety and share this article with others. Remember, the fight to end racism starts with you.

“Find out just what any people will quietly submit to, and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them.” – Frederick Douglass

The Collapse

This is your country.

For a brief moment following the death of George Floyd at the hands of Derek Chauvin, people of all stripes were joined in disgust and sadness. Sadly, that moment quickly passed. In my previous column, I detailed the event as well as the need for law enforcement to re-examine it’s policies and practices. However, in the days since, major cities in the United States have devolved into rioting, looting, and violence. With mainstream corporate media, forever devoted and engaged in radical leftist politics, spurring on the mayhem while excusing the behavior of criminal rioters.

Leftist politicians, celebrities, and media personalities have decided to stand on the side of anarchy, ironically for pure power-grab politics and profit. Cities, states, and towns controlled and neglected by the left have become warzones, and the trendy hypocrites and virtue signalers have assembled in force in an attempt to deflect from the truth. What is the truth? That the insidious lies of identity politics, diversity, inclusion, and intersectionality have sewed the wind, and in many places across the country, we are reaping the whirlwind. In the madness of the #resistance, leaders across the nation are guilty of dereliction of duty in their quest to remove the Bad Orange Man.

Peaceful protests

In the closing lines of my last column, I asked if law enforcement was willing to stand up against the bad apples in their midst. Well, in the wake of the past week, they haven’t had the opportunity because nihilistic and anarchist thugs have decided to demonstrate their ignorant rage.  What should be national unity has become the beginning of race and class war. What should be a careful and serious examination of the citizen’s relationship with it’s leaders and law enforcement agencies has devolved into chaos.

Good job, idiots.

To those that think this will devolve into some kind of civil war that you recognize from history, you are wrong. There will be no banners and flags, no orderly lines of combat. To the people that think declaring themselves “allies” to racists and thugs while engaging in meaningless virtue signaling will exclude them from violence, you are wrong as well.  If good people, of all races and religions, do not stand on the side of stopping the violence in the streets, America is over.

Also ,if  you are someone that uses the language of “my people, our people” and “them” and “they”, I have bad news for you…you are a racist, regardless of the group you identify with or are characterizing.

On a final note: If you’re a good person that has bent the knee to these protests, and is legitimately concerned about issues of race, police violence, and the subjugation of civil rights, I understand. If you are someone that is unhappy with the current system of justice in the United States and want to change it for the better, I understand. But know this, by endorsing, ignoring, or advocating what’s happening on American streets you are going to indeed get “change”, but I assure you it won’t be the kind you like. If and when martial law is activated, freedom as you have known it will completely disappear, along with any civil rights you now enjoy. Get ready.

” But mark my words. This war will not be fought on the frontier or on some distant battlefield, but amongst us… amongst our homes. Our children will learn of it with their own eyes, and the innocent will die with the rest of us.” – Benjamin Martin, The Patriot 


To Punish And Enslave

Regardless of race, run!

On Monday, May 25th, four members of the Minneapolis Police Department – namely Derek Chauvin, Thomas Lane, Tou Thao, and J. Alexander Keung – arrested 46 year old George Floyd after receiving a call alleging that Floyd had passed a counterfeit twenty dollar bill at a nearby store. A bystander to the arrest filmed the encounter, and in the recording – which is disgusting, and I will not play it here because I believe it to show the man’s wrongful death – we see MPD officer Derek Chauvin essentially murder Mr. Floyd. Here’s a picture from the footage:

MPD Officer Derek Chauvin

For almost 10 minutes, Chauvin crushed the neck of Floyd while the alleged counterfeiter repeatedly said he couldn’t breathe while displaying obvious medical distress. The other three officers stood by, and instead of helping Mr. Floyd, they threatened bystanders who were asking them to stop. Heartbreakingly, George Floyd likely died during the encounter, shortly after begging for his mother. The vitriol and callousness of the officers on scene, especially officer Chauvin, were clearly visible, and Chauvin even appears to continually and unneccesarily shift his weight to apply more pressure to Floyd’s neck. It is a painful thing to watch, yet the officers seemed completely unconcerned that their actions were being recorded, probably because they engage in this type of behavior all the time. I make that assertion because Chauvin is the recipient of a dozen conduct complaints, none of which earned him any disciplinary action.

One can guess what happened next. Minneapolis has become a riotous warzone, with looting, rioting, and lines of militarized police responding with force. Hundreds of miles away in Los Angeles people also took to the streets to riot and loot, even destroying a couple of police cars. While I do not agree with innocent businesses being looted and destroyed, I completely agree that something must be done, and it has nothing to do with what color you are, it has much more to do with the pervasive “us versus them” mindset that is rampant in American law enforcement.


Police in America have become something they were never meant to be, and contrary to the gross racial narrative being pushed by mainstream media like CNN, the real truth is worse than some idiotic race-baiting. That angle is only pushed because it takes the focus off of the real problem, and makes the people responsible for what the police have become appear blameless. For example, in 2019, 1,004 people were shot and killed by police. The breakdown is 370 whites, 235 blacks, 158 Hispanic, 39 “other”, and 202 “unknown”. Those facts do not support the race narrative, yet those responsible for police corruption are happy to feed it to you in order to divide the public and gain political advantage.

 What the narrative fails to ask is: Who is the Minneapolis Police Department Chief, who appointed him, and who has approved of and endorsed the department’s behavior? The Media narrative would have you believe that these police are a bunch of hillbilly, redneck MAGA types that can’t wait to literally stomp on innocent black folks. In truth, in Minneapolis and Minnesota, in cities and towns across the country where police abuses are most heinous and frequent, leftist and democrat policies and politicians are in charge. And also contrary to the Media narrative, most police chiefs are liberal democrats that stock their forces with corrupt union thugs that are only too happy to ignore their oath to the constitution in favor of illegal orders from Mayors, City Councils, and Governors. Just a quick look at the states continuing to impose illegal lockdowns, and using police stormtroopers to enforce them, will tell you just which political philosophy leads to abuse. Don’t believe me? Minnesota is deep blue, with a democrat Governor, Lt. Governor, and the infamous race-baiting Keith Ellison (D) as State Attorney General. Minneapolis is deep blue as well, with MPD police chief Medaria Arradondo ( a self-described “change agent” ) having been appointed by previous Mayor Betsy Hughes (D), overseen by current Mayor Jacob Frey (D), and approved by a city council comprised of 12 democrats and 1 Green Party member.

Everywhere you can see the abuse of power by police. For the last three years, corrupt and lawless federal police, the FBI, CIA, NSA, you name it, have been engaged in unconstitutional and illegal behavior. From James Comey and James Clapper to FBI agents like Peter Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page, law enforcement has morphed into something akin to the Mafia, a “Cosa Notra”, or “our thing”, that knows no duty or law other than abusing their positions for more power. The power to destroy political opponents, settle petty personal crusades, and completely disregard the rights of American citizens starts at the top, and unsurprisingly it has trickled down into all of law enforcement.

The political right in this country is not blameless, either. The tired mantra of “it’s not all cops”, “the good people that make up the FBI”, and “we respect and support law enforcement” is responsible as well. Sure, it may not be all cops, federal agents and intelligence officers, but it might as well be. Why? Because evidently it’s enough of them to completely negate the actions of those that honor their oaths. When the occasional police officer comes forward to expose corruption or illegality, the Thick Blue Line makes sure they lose their jobs, reputation, and livelihood. It seems that “just following orders” is now the oath that is placed above all others, and history shows that to be a pathetic excuse for trampling the rights of others. People who lean right or libertarian are predisposed to expect law enforcement to be honorable and trustworthy, and in our current climate that can literally be a fatal mistake.


It’s beyond time to cast a distrustful and scornful eye on those that hold the power to imprison you and take your property or life. It’s time to question whether transferring multiple-tour combat veterans of Bush’s and Obama’s unending wars into domestic police forces is wise. It’s time to strip domestic law enforcement of surplus military weapons and gear that has become commonplace, because the mentality that comes with it is not healthy to maintaining a good relationship between a nation’s citizens and it’s police. Because nothing good can come out of the current state of America’s law enforcement.  And to those honorable and good cops or to the readers of this column that disagree with my position, it’s time to step up and prove that you actually believe in and honor the phrase “to protect and serve”…instead of “to punish and enslave”.

“A fondness for power is implanted in most men, and it is natural to abuse it when acquired.” – Alexander Hamilton

“With great power comes great responsibility.” – Stan Lee

Triggered Tuesday


From Angry Reader Miriam Responding to “The Neverending Eclipse”:

“You speak from a position of privilege. It’s easy to speak your “truth” when neither you nor your family have been subjected to racism. If we lived in a perfect world, we wouldn’t have needed Affirmative Action because we would have corrected the wrongs of slavery and racism as soon as we realized that all human beings, no matter what their color, creed, or gender, have the right to everything life has to offer. As a society, we blocked people of color from job advancement, good education, access to healthcare, housing and so much more. We never provided compensation for the evil we put their ancestors through—it was nothing short of centuries of genocide. Just say it, you’re nothing but a racist hiding behind your lies. And it’s laughable, truly, that you talk as though you are a victim. Give me an effin break!” – Miriam

Response From Empire Of Truth:

  Many phrases in your ad hominem attack are telling, ie: “your ‘truth’”…….”privilege”, etc. You are obviously speaking from a place of irrational emotionalism, demonstrating my point. Are you aware of your repeated use of the past tense to posit your own argument? Nowhere in my column do I imply that wrongs were not once committed against people of color, nor do I even mention slavery. You also use “we” to describe the committing of past sins, which I find confusing. I have not, nor has anyone I know, perpetrated any of the actions you described… what is it you are attempting to infer? That the sins of past generations, that you feel have not been redeemed, must be visited upon a current generation? Is it all whites that must pay? Is it all blacks that should receive “compensation”? Perhaps we should perform DNA testing on each citizen……and then have the benevolent government assign us an armband and ID card stating our racial makeup. Then access to benefits and public spaces, “compensation”, and legal punishments could be meted out according to racial purity and ethnic bona fides…..sound good? How far back do we go in your social justice experiment, and how far into the future? For black men aged 18-34 the leading cause of death is murder by another person of color…..will your “compensation”, or iconoclasm remedy this tragedy? You also fail to address or refute any of the arguments I make, and you again deftly illustrate my point by resorting to the sad retort of all those whose intellectual capacities are stunted: “racist”! The only thing I am a victim of is the comments and inanity of people like you : irrational, childish, shallow, virtue signaling, unable to use critical thinking, incapable of following your own conclusions to their inevitable outcome, and of course…..bigoted. (Yawn)……(Sigh)…….and oh, thanks for reading! – WW




I’m not going to engage in any defense of any of the idiots that descended on Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend. By any name, fascist and racist political groups deserve no quarter in the arena of public debate. What strikes me as ironic is the reaction of mainstream media over this madness……..the same folks who have ignored racial political violence in the past few years have finally become enraged over Charlottesville.

Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists are pieces of dogshite. People who engage in violence to further their political goals are dogshite. People who make shields and clubs in their parent’s basements to take to political events are sad, human garbage. People who put values and belief in the most horrendous and murderous movements in history, like Hitler’s Socialism and Stalin or Mao’s Communism, are sad and pathetic creatures. When America’s system of education has churned out people who reject Capitalism and Individualism in favor of Socialism and Communism, and who identify as a member of a victim group or grievance class, it has failed.

For several years now I have written extensively on the danger and folly of Identity Politics. What we are now witnessing is the only outcome that a victimhood mentality can generate. Everyone engaged in this violence has something in common……namely that Identity and Political bent are based on your race, class, and group of grievance. When we sanction special treatment or special punishment based on Identity, we are allowing and encouraging this type of chaos and violence.

There is only one solution to the mounting problems of Identity and Racial Politics, and that is the same solution proposed by our Founders: That all are created equally in the eyes of our Creator, and that the rights of the Individual are greater than that of the Collective. Only when every American sees themselves and others as Individuals – deserving of respect and value – equal in opportunity and not outcome – can the events that occurred in Virginia be avoided.  Instead of falling for the controlled demolition of our Union by forces intent on dividing us, ask yourself: Who benefits from this? If you are reading this and you are a believer in Identity Politics, ask yourself: If my current philosophy is played through to its end, where will it lead?

If you cannot judge someone by the content of their individual character instead of the color of their skin, no matter what that color may be…… are the problem, period.


“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” – Martin Luther King Jr. 

I Know You Are……But What Am I

You’ve probably heard it. You may have even been called one to your face. You know that it’s been implied, suggested, and outright accused.  It’s the last pathetic attack of an  idiot, possessed of a weak mind, and dispossessed of a valid argument. It’s the final, feeble platform the globalist left has to brow-beat you back to sleep and servitude. What is it, you say? Well, here it is, even though you may have already guessed it :

“You’re a/That is………. Racist!”

 Since race has become a ridiculously dangerous third-rail in today’s America, this accusation has become the supposed be-all, end-all silver bullet that will slay the progressive’s scariest monster……..American Individualism. The funny part, if there is one, is that the boobs that sling this accusation and label the most, are the ones making it meaningless.  Just like the fabled Boy Who Cried Wolf too easily and too often……so it is with the old progressives and the college-indoctrinated youth. What these folks seem to not realize is that the misuse and mischaracterization of the racism charge was, in part, responsible for millions going to the polls on November 8th.

  Barack Obama’s eight years in office, and his divide-and-conquer racial politics, have turned the “Melting Pot” into a Salad Bar, where everything is divided and separated into its own little compartments.

It’s been infuriating and depressing to see the message of our Great Experiment, that all are created equal, destroyed by those that wish to cement their own power by grouping you into a grievance class……by color, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, and by politically correct identity politics. What’s worse is that those who think like this may be lost forever…… it appears they are incapable of the critical thinking skills required to change, or are so ignorantly prideful of their stupidity that changing would be too massive a blow to the ego.

  Take the following quote from a “friend” on Facebook upset about Hillary’s election loss:   “We elected a racist. It will be found out that Trump won without a single vote from African-Americans, LGBTQ’s, Hispanics, or women…”. Leave aside that it was “found” that Trump won a bigger percentage of those groups than previous Republicans, and the most electoral votes of a Republican since 1988……….read the quote again; does anything stand out?  This is a perfect example of how deluded and dangerously stupid the Social Justice Warrior is……….they decry and scream racism, yet in their own words and thoughts they separate all of us into groups based on race, identity, sexuality and ethnicity! 

 When I attempt to point out to these people, that by their very thought process and statements, they are guilty of what they claim to despise, they lose it. Seriously…….every single time they lose their freakin’ minds, double-down on their identity politics, and then call me a Nazi racist. This is the danger of the kind of progressive ideology that has taken over the left in the last decade, and we are all paying the price for it.  The only good thing coming out of these hysterics is that the attacks and tactics are beginning to backfire.

  I, for one, am unafraid to tell the screaming SJW and tired, old Progressive the truth about what I believe…….because I know it’s the truth. I believe that people should be judged, “not on the color of their skin but on the content of their character”. I believe in an individual, any individual, being rated on their merit. I believe that “all men are created equal”, and that all are to be treated equally under the law. I don’t see anyone as anything but my fellow human being, and for the sake of my country,  my fellow American. I don’t care who you sleep with, who you vote for, where you came from, what does or doesn’t dangle between your legs, or how much sunlight you reflect.

   It is not racist to want immigration laws enforced.  If all those entering the country illegally were white, I would still be outraged over the massive issues that their illegal presence creates. The color and nationality of the invaders matters not, only that they are in violation of the law, using billions in public services, voting illegally, crowding emergency rooms, clogging highways, committing crimes, and refusing to speak our language and assimilate into our National Culture.  Because I believe Islam is incompatible with our Republic, and by very definition an enemy of freedom, doesn’t make me racist…..why? Because Islam is not a race. Mocking spoiled athletes and celebrities that cry racism while being adored by millions and raking in millions doesn’t make me a racist……..but saying that only Black Lives Matter is. Opposing the destructive, costly, lead-from-behind, policies of Obama and the progressive left doesn’t make me a racist, it makes me an American.

 For all those that insist we all be separated into tribes that do nothing but squabble and claim victimhood, I have the following words, written by greater men than I :

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…….” – the Declaration of Independence, July 4th 1776