The Saddest Show on Earth

Usually I like to try and address some of the pending and current disasters besetting our Dying Republic, but at this point I don’t know whether to keep fighting the decay or just hope for a quick death.  If you’re wondering why I feel this way, don’t worry….I’m going to tell you.

See, none of the issues we need to confront and deal with will ever be handled. Not as long as this once great beacon of real freedom is under the spell of that cheap magician named Political Correctness. I bet you didn’t know PC the Magnificent could do tricks, but let me assure you that he does. I’ll give you a couple of examples:

A young, Kuwaiti-born muslim man takes a trip to the middle east, becomes “more devout”, grows a beard, and then decides to shoot several American servicemen to death. You might think at first this was an act of ISIS inspired terrorism…….but Presto-Chango! it’s just another “lone gunmen” depressed and unhappy with life and taking it out on oddly gun-less members of the military….who must’ve been random, unfortunate targets.

An ego-centric man stands before you: A definite Y chromosome, broad shouldered, adam’s apple having, can do 20 pull ups Man. You know, like won-some-gold-medals-in-the-Men’s-category man.  But watch as PC the Magnificent removes the curtain and Abra-cadabra! it’s a girl everybody!

An Illegal alien stands before you: by the very nature of their presence in the country, they are a criminal. In fact, by being illegal and using social services they are committing theft and fraud. Sometimes one even shoots and kills an American Citizen for fun. In steps PC the Amazing….. and Poof! that illegal is now honest, hardworking, moral and true…. all the things that you are not.

An inner city lays before you, let’s say Chicago. In this place dozens of people are victims of violent crime every month at the hands of people who share their culture, community, and pigmentation. In steps PC the Miraculous, and with the wave of a magic wand, it’s all the fault of people with different pigmentation that at best have an unconscious bias and at worst are guilty of blatant racism.

Or maybe there’s a country full of radical religionists, complicit in the murder of American soldiers, bent on ruling the world and stomping on you with an Allah-given fervor, using a nuclear jackboot that we are providing. But wait…….PC the Wondrous folds his arms and blinks and Shazam!, now that nation is a peaceful beacon of light and enlightenment desperately trying to crawl out from under our evil influence.

Now maybe you can understand why my attitude is a little sour on our collective ability to face any of the huge problems we’re staring at. And hey……I know many people now either think with their feelings, genitals, or both….rendering them incapable of critical thought and reasoning. They are the ones that will shout you down when you expose the trick, insisting the girl really was sawed in half and the Statue of Liberty really did disappear.

I still think that most people, like the audience in a magic show, know what is truth and what is not. Out of fear they stay silent. The real problem is that as a culture we have become enablers of crazy. Used to be when your weird Uncle stood up at the dinner table, pissed himself,  and claimed to be Napoleon Bonaparte – you called the guys in white coats with butterfly nets. I guess in Bizzaro-America now you applaud their courage, learn French, put them in a diaper and buy them a funny hat.

Welcome to the saddest show on Earth, it’s mandatory…….so shut up and accept the ridiculous.

  ” Nobody ever lost a dollar by underestimating the taste of the  American Public….”

        “There’s a sucker born every minute……”



The New Rebels

Where did all the rebels go?

My point is this: there are no rebels anymore. I vividly remember that my best friend Chris and I in 1992 went to do something that was utterly unthinkable. We went down to “Body Images” on Howell Mill Road in Atlanta and got tattooed. His Dad, always willing, even signed a form claiming to be my Dad, all so we could get tattoos at the tender age of 17. You may read that and say, “Oh, okay, that’s cool…..”, but you would be missing the point. The point was that we were undertaking an action that would affect our lives in ways that you can’t imagine. The reason you can’t imagine is because everybody has tattoos nowadays, to the point where you don’t even look at them anymore. Shoot, you can go to church and see the pastor with a sleeve of tats, dressed like a yuppie, pretending to be cool and awesome.

In fact, sometimes I feel a little bitter about it. I have been thrown out of Kroger, receiving a “criminal trespass” citation, for having long purple hair and visible tattoos. I was looked at by the school system as a loser and failed student because of it. I was on the receiving end of harassment and profiling by law enforcement because of it as well. I remember strangers and family alike saying, ” Are you in the Navy? Did you get those in prison?”.  I don’t tell you this for sympathy, or because I’m whining about it, but because it was the price I paid for being “a rebel”.  I made the choice, I lived it, I have no regrets, it’s part of who I am. I tell you this because there were real consequences for my rebellion.

You see, I was different in my heart than the norm, and I was willing to face the negative reaction to my decision to be something else. I wanted something different for myself than what I was told was acceptable, or even possible. The naiveté of youth perhaps, but a conviction I stuck to regardless. I am an artist, singer-songwriter, performer, and all around pain in the ass.

The problem is that the Establishment has taken over the symbols of my rebellion, and I see an entire generation pretending to be different – yet all by being the same.  Yeah, it was cool to be a communist in the sixties, a socialist in the seventies, a hippie in the eighties, etc., but what is cool now? I ask because I don’t know. Seriously.

The leftist ruling Oligarchy (and that’s both parties) is obsessed with tribal identity politics. Everywhere I look I see groups……gays, blacks, latinos, whites, muslims,  jews,  atheists, people who celebrate Festivus, and every identity you can imagine. What a bunch of rubes. I’ll say it again loudly in case you didn’t hear me……..IF YOU IDENTIFY AS YOUR RACE, GENDER, SEXUAL PREFERENCE, OR POLITICAL PARTY….YOU ARE A RUBE AND AN IDIOT. Ok, that’s enough capital letters to insure making my point.

I say this because I believe in a New Rebellion, where people start to look at themselves as individuals, not part of a never-ending grievance class, or gender, or race. See, our founders knew the importance of this. That’s why they set up a system, when implemented without the interference of the Elite, that values each of us as individuals, with our own individual rights, capable of exercising those rights regardless of what anyone else thinks or says. Because I don’t care if you’re gay, straight, black, white, brown, male, female, or a deluded old Olympian fool who can’t decide. Just stay out of my way in pursuing life, liberty, and happiness…..and I’ll stay out of yours.

What was envisioned over two hundred years ago and then painstakingly put into writing will still work……if only we let it. It is the ultimate guarantee of fulfilling your life and destiny as an individual person. I say be a rebel………reject being a tool of those that have made you trade your individual voice and name for a classification. Are you blindly, like a lemming, following the herd? Do you accept, without doing your own research and critical thinking, man made global warming and race/gender politics? Aren’t you more than your race, sexual preference, and political party? Aren’t you? I hope you are……..because The New Rebellion needs you. Besides, look around. When you realize that you have become the same “different” as everyone else, maybe it’s not too late for you.


  ” I can say what I want to…..even if I’m not serious. I can say what I want to…..even if, I’m just kidding.”  Tool


The Crying Game


Ahh the pandering. Used to be it had to actually be an election year to see the kind of blatant, disgusting pandering I see happening all around me. Oh, and by the way, will someone please ask Jeb (aka the dumb one) Bush just how much, if at all, he cares about American citizens? Or maybe ask him how the second largest source of income, outside of oil revenues, to Mexico is American dollars sent home by illegal aliens?  Let that sink in for a moment. It’s not just him either. Hillary Clinton, Smartest Woman in the World ( wow ladies, truly she’s not the best you can do ), is also busy promising goodies and amnesty to Mexico’s income earners.

I have to stop and laugh out loud for just a moment. With all due respect I have to make a pretty obvious point. Jeb Bush is an idiot. And no, that’s not my opinion, it’s fact. He’s made comments about how having a Mexican wife has given him a special insight into relating to Mexicans…..I mean hey, he even put himself down as a Hispanic on his 2009 voter registration form. I can imagine the kind of out-of-touch, juvenile, pre-pubescent mindset you would have to have to do something like that. It’s like genetically being a dude but checking “female” on your voter registration form. Oh wait, some people actually do that. See what I mean?

Without getting into the hundreds of paragraphs I could write regarding there being any other Bush family member running for president, let me just say this: NO. Just go away Jebster, just go away. Because if you think people stayed home instead of showing up to vote for Mitt ” dog-on-the-roof” Romney, my guess is that you’ll see tumbleweeds blowing through the parking lot of your local elementary school voting precinct. No one, and I seriously mean that, NO ONE will vote for Jeb Bush. Only the same big money, one percent douchebags who pay Karl Rove’s salary will check the box next to his name. Besides, that’s just what we need……bland, milquetoast, wishy-washy, vaguely old fashioned, nursing home Republicanism that identifies with the Barbarian Horde instead of my friends and family.

On the other hand, sadly, is Hillary Clinton. Can I just say, once for the record, REALLY? I lived through the Clinton presidency in the 90’s and I can honestly say this;  Bill Clinton was O.K……. in the sense that  he was, and is, a real piece of crap politically. He had the same, stale,  “Dixie Democrat” ideas that he had as Arkansas governor. The good, and bad, thing about Bill Clinton was his morals, or lack thereof. If a statue of Old Wild Bill were commissioned, it would be him sans pants at the presidential podium, starry-eyed intern underneath, with one hand giving a thumbs up and the other with a spittle-laced finger pointing skywards in order to best determine the shifting winds of his political base. But hell, at least he was an American and proud of it.

His wife, on the other hand, is a bitter, 1960’s type feminist radical. After growing up privileged and coddled by the very system she seeks to destroy, Hillary Rodham took a big one for the team and hitched her wagon to her exact opposite. Yes, she would put up with the philandering, drunken, I’ll kiss your baby and your teenage daughter, Bill Clinton to get what she wants, and that is the presidency. Aside from the fact that Shrill-Hill would sell a baby’s soul to Satan for a few more bucks, which is disturbing in the sense that she’s already loaded, what has she ever done to qualify for the office? I mean sure, the Manchurian Candidate this country elected the last two times has pretty much (with the help of Turkeyneck McConnell and Johnny Boner in Congress) destroyed the office and the balance of power.

I find it a horrible state of affairs. The Assumed Aristocracy that now rules us completely has grown so lazy, so indifferent and apathetic, that it isn’t even attempting to fool those of us that still have brains. A dud from the family that won’t go away, and a crusty maven from the other family that won’t go away. It’s really very humorous. A political fight between the Clintons and the Bushes is, and would be, nothing but a big show for all of us rubes. Hillary Clinton wholeheartedly represents, and is one of, the very “1%” that I have to keep hearing about…and so is Bush. Look it up. The two families have dinner together, go to the Burning Man ceremony at Bohemian Grove together, even Daddy Bush has been quoted as saying red-nosed B.J. Clinton is “like a son”. It’s like arguing which prince is going to inherit the throne, while ignoring that you are a serf under tyrannical rule that needs to rise up and claim your constitutional birthright. Oooh I like prince Harry, he’s sooooo dreamy.

My point is this; If you support Hillary because she has a va-jay-jay and so do you…’re an idiot that is fulfilling a sad stereotype. Look how  voting based on race has turned out for us, not so awesome, so let’s not add voting based on gender to our problems. On the other hand, if you support the first Hispanic candidate….namely Jeb Bush, you are also an idiot. It’s time to either find someone from nowhere, who actually has some real principles and solutions that center on our individual rights, or read and consider the words of Thomas Jefferson:

  “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness…….” Declaration of Independence, July 4th 1776

The only question is this…… Do we have the stones to put back what we have deconstructed? Who will be the messenger of the truth? The truth is that liberal and conservative, male or female, black or white….. we were all given the means to define what we want as a free people. If we are allowed to engage in the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness, then what I do in my home, on my property, is my business, and what you do in your home and on your property is likewise yours, how can we go wrong? Step away from tribalism and political correctness…..don’t be afraid to be offended. More importantly, Don’t be afraid to offend. You are not part of a group. You are not part of a race. You are an individual created and endowed with certain inalienable rights, and when we insist that the law and our government view us as such, many of the problems manufactured by our modern-day slavemasters will vanish.

It brings me to my conclusion, and the inspiration for the title of this column. I was born in 1976…..ironically the bicentennial of our founding. The newspapers and cereal boxes carried the image of Bruce Jenner……a picture of American vigor and the can-do spirit that made this Nation, triumphantly crossing the finish line in victory. Now it’s 2015…..not that far removed in the space of years, and once again Bruce Jenner is in the news. Except now he’s a cross-dressing narcissist that craves attention and “acceptance” in his pathetic delusion that he’s a woman.  So it is for America. Think hard…….do you want a return to that America of confidence and victory, or the emasculated basket case of blame, failure, and manufactured tribal rage that we have now become? If your answer is the latter…… then it is A Crying Game indeed.