The Blue Drip

Well, election day has come and gone, and there was no “blue wave”. Sadly, there was a “blue drip”, and thanks to wealthy suburban white women, millennials, and those that vote based on their skin color, we can all look forward to 2 years of ramped up investigations, obstruction, resistance, and stagnation.

There are a couple of lessons to be learned from the midterm election results. One – if you’re a republican/Bushite/neocon and you didn’t embrace and defend Trump, you lose.  Two – democrat voters will vote based completely on race and Trump-hatred, without any clue about what their chosen candidate has in store for them.

It’s early, but so far only the community-organizer/Wisconsin native Stacey Abrams – the democrat gubernatorial candidate for Georgia – has refused to concede an obvious loss. My guess is she’ll cry “racism!” and demand to keep counting until the state DNC finds several forgotten boxes of uncounted votes that all go democrat. Abrams is truly a cancer in Georgia politics, and everyone reading this should be very afraid that she has even come close. She, along with Andrew Gillum in Florida, are the embodiment of running on racism and hate, Reverend Jeremiah Wright-style.

Stacey Abrams – GA Democrat for Governor

There is much talk about “working across the aisle” and “wanting unity” from voters when asked about what motivated their vote. To be quite honest, I find this attitude naïve, childish, and frankly stupid. There will be none of that crap. We don’t live in an America that does that anymore, and the reason isn’t “incivility on both sides”, it’s that one side wants to destroy, or let’s say “fundamentally transform” the country into a communo-socialist sh!thole, and the other wants to keep their culture and rule of law while holding a job, saving some money, and raising their kids. Can you guess which one of these groups is more motivated to march, protest, organize, and resist?

It’s not all bad news. It’s pretty historic that the democrat party didn’t sweep the House and the Senate. Trump’s power in the Senate has likely increased, and the democrat margin of victory in the House is pretty narrow.  So, it looks good for court nominees and avoiding impeachment, but it looks really bad for any new tax cuts, the wall, or any meaningful legislation. Expect the democrats to act as if their narrow margin is some kind of biblical mandate to assume as much power as they can get their dirty little hands on.

The truth is we’re going to have to see what happens over the next few weeks. There is a few months before power technically shifts, and during this time we’ll all see and hear what the left has in store for us. I am admittedly a pessimist, but I’ll give you my best-case scenario for the next two years: Hopefully Pelosi and the left will expose themselves as the fools and buffoons they truly are, and devolve even further into the black hole of identity and tribal politics, as well as into the madness of the college campus. Worst case : The street theatre and anarchist resistance of the left and the deep state elevates to an unsustainable level and America falls into open civil conflict – either on par with 1968, or God forbid, 1861. I guess we will all see what happens soon enough.

“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter” – Winston Churchill

The Cruz Conundrum

I almost feel bad for Ted Cruz and his supporters. To be sure, The Junior Senator from Texas managed to win his home state, in addition to Oklahoma and Alaska, and congratulations to him. Here is the problem…… it wasn’t enough. The reason I’m not mentioning Marco Roboto…, I mean Rubio, is because he’s a tool, and without a stolen and brokered convention, he has no reason to continue. This is why it is essentially a two man race.

Now, I will vote for Cruz if he pulls off a miracle and happens to honestly win enough delegates to be the nominee. With that said, there are many more things that this election means to me than who is the most “conservative”, and I have been insulted, criticized, and had my very faith questioned because I support Trump over Cruz.

First of all…..I don’t know what the political definition of “conservative” is anymore. Is it the political definition, you know the one that every republican claims to be while running? Is it the fiscal definition……you know, the one that no one in Washington D.C. seems to be able to grasp? Or is it the religious definition, which is used and abused by politicians to get elected, then disregarded as quickly as fiscal conservatism? These are the reasons I will not blindly vote for a “conservative” politician. In fact, it’s why I frankly have turned away from any and all politicians during this presidential election cycle.

This is also why I don’t support Cruz in the primaries. He has, to be sure, talked the talk…..but in my opinion he doesn’t walk the walk. Now, before your head explodes Cruz supporter, he has not had the opportunity to walk the walk, and the reason is because he has been incapable of either getting anything done, or stopping anything, to slow the descent of America into either 3rd world, or European style, chaos.

It’s also a personal stance in my case…….my number one and two issues respectively are our enormous, massive debt, and our enormous, massive, illegal immigration problem.  In my opinion, Cruz’s support of the Trans-Pacific “trade” Partnership (TPP), and “Immigration Reform” ( I don’t care whose mouth it comes out of, that means Amnesty and open borders )  make it difficult for me to even begin to support him.  The pictures and videos of Cruz handing out Teddy Bears and candy alongside Glenn Beck not too long ago keep irritating me like a bad splinter.  The same irritation I get that Cruz, in my opinion, has questionable legal status to run for the office.

And that’s how we get to my final point about Ted Cruz and why he has not done better in the primaries so far…….his supporters. Not all of them, mind you, but enough of them to really, I mean really, turn me off to him as a candidate. I watched as all of the republican talking heads ( Erickson, Krauthammer, Kristol, Levin, etc.. ) insisted on Donald Trump signing a pledge to support the eventual nominee, and he did. Now those same bobbleheads are not only saying they are going to stay home on election day, they are actively advocating that YOU stay home as well.  In my opinion, they are shallow, petty, political operators that care more about taking their toys and going home, because they have been wrong, than they care about stopping our slide into oblivion.

In addition, I have read, and been lectured by, comments directed at me by Cruz advocates that make any Trump insult look tame. I am “evil”, “unchristian”, “stupid”, “uneducated”, “brownshirt”, “Nazi”, and even “Hillary Supporter”. Cruz has wrapped himself in the Bible, yet chosen as his attack dog Glenn Beck, who’s judgment is say, questionable……add to that he has not come out and refuted his supporters’ admonition to just pout and stay home, and I have a difficult time taking him seriously. If truly you are concerned this may be our last chance to alter course through a presidential election, I don’t see how you can say, ” Vote for me or don’t vote at all “.

I know many will disagree with me, and once again tell me Trump is no “conservative”. In my opinion, any republican running who cannot bring in moderates, Dixiecrats, blue collars, young people, and minorities in greater number than previous elections is doomed. I want a re-invigoration of The American Spirit, American capitalism, and American culture. I want illegals deported and the border secured. I want America respected, and yes feared, again across the globe.  I’m not sure voting for another Junior Senator, who is a lawyer ( because when a lawyer says “should” or “would”, or “ought to”, that means “NO THEY WON’T”, trust me ), and who will not get ONE SINGLE VOTE from the opposition, who has less than clear birth records and sealed college records,  is the way to go…….again……especially since it’s worked out so well for us in the past seven years.


Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  – Albert Einstein


Oh No…… It’s Mr. Bill Oh’ Really!


  There’s a troubling trend I’ve been noticing in the last few days. Well… to be honest, it’s not new, and not that many are troubled by it. Maybe that’s what I find so irritating. I just watched a clip of “King Loofa”, otherwise known as Bill O’Reilly, once again pontificating on television while slathered in what looks like oompa-loompah make up.  His grand, arrogant oration to a member of the opposition to nationalized healthcare made me want to spit out my Kroger-brand coffee. 

  His (paraphrased)  point was this: ” Hey, you guys know you’re not going to win this de-fund Obamacare thing…. you know it’s a fight you can’t win…. so why are you fighting it? What’s wrong with you guys? You must be stupid or crazy or both.” Well why don’t we change Bill’s name to Bill Oh Really? I thought this nation was founded on the very notion that some fights are worth fighting. Even when it’s against all odds, even when everyone says it can’t be done. Defeat the most powerful empire on earth? Nah.. Create a republic of free men and women that takes the power from an Aristocracy and gives it to ordinary folks? Nah…. Impossible. So why try? 

  It brings to mind just a few examples of people who spit in the face of Bill Oh Really’s “wisdom”.  I’ve already mentioned the founding of our country, so let’s start there. Do you think that George Washington had confidence in his ability to defeat the armies of the British Crown?  Well I don’t think he did. In fact, if not for the outcome achieved, and with the exception of the Battle of Trenton, Washington kinda sucked at winning any engagement with the British.  His crowning achievement was probably not getting shot right out of his saddle every time he lined the Colonials up for the slaughter.  To me it seems that it surely must have been Providence that we came out on top of the struggle for Independence.

  Let’s make a stab at another individual that made the impossible possible.  Take a look around you wherever you are right now.  Are the lights on? Can you read at night without dripping wax all over you? Let’s forget the whole flourescent bulb fiasco for a second, as that’s the subject for another day.  Electric light has changed the world in a way that almost nothing else has.  Mankind finally did what was thought to be a pipe dream. Bring light to darkness, safety to lurking danger, with the flip of a switch.  Thomas Edison tried hundreds of time to invent the lightbulb. and I’m sure the Oh Really’s of the world told him, “hey, it’s not going to work, it’s a fight you can’t win…. so cut it out already will you?”.  Well I’m glad the Sultan of Shower Scrubbers wasn’t there to, pardon the pun, illuminate him on the futility of his endeavor. 

And finally, I wonder what Mr. Bill would say to Martin Luther King jr. and other civil rights activists of the sixties? Surely they were also told, “Hey…. what you’re doing is impossible. You’re just making a stink for something that you know will never happen.” I guess he’d line up with guys like Democrat Senator Strom Thurmond or Klan member Senator Robert Byrd, Democrat from West Virginia, who personally stood at the podium for over 14 hours to try to block the Civil Rights Act. Or guys like George Wallace, and yes he’s another Democrat , who stood in multiple schoolhouse doors to block innocent children from going to school.

I was under the impression that I was fortunately born somewhere where the impossible is made possible. I thought this was the Nation of Underdogs. I thought this was perhaps the only place on the face of the earth where if you could dream it, you could do it. Because sometimes you fight because it’s the right thing to do, no matter the odds, no matter the cost. History is made by men and women who looked poo-pooers like Bill O’ Reilly in the face and said, “Impossible, huh? We’ll see about that.”