The Republicans Still Just Don’t Get It

A quick thought here…..(as I am busy scripting the next EmpireofTruth video), The republicans, after eight years of Dubya Bush and six with Obozo, still just don’t get it. Do you know why Mitt Romney lost the last presidential election? I do, and it’s in the numbers.  Millions of ordinary folks stayed home and by default gave the Dems and Obama yet another victory. Why? Because Mitt was, and is, just plain boring. Every current candidate, with the exception of Cruz, is attacking Trump because of his comments on Illegal Immigration. What a bunch of Idiots. I mean historically, technically, and factually they are complete boobs.

Let me state this for everyone…..even those who think with their “feelings”, which is every single supposed progressive, NO NATION CAN SURVIVE MASSIVE UNFETTERED ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. I’ve written this before, but in this “nation of cowards” ( Quoting Eric Holder ), we are unwilling to look at a steaming pile of horse shat and call it what it is. You cannot import illiterate, unskilled peoples that do not speak the national language, do not respect the national law, and refuse to assimilate, into what’s left of our culture and expect positive results. As long as we have a welfare state, we cannot have open borders.

But don’t tell that to Rick Perry. He’s what is called ” all hat and no cattle” in Texas. I mean, what a moron. The governor of a border state that is racked with crime and expense at the hands of criminal aliens is attacking an extremely successful businessman, with interests all over the world, over truthful, if un-artful, statements about illegal immigration.. Perry is trashing Trump while praising the efforts of the “tejanos” at the Alamo…..even though he left out the huge fact that it was an army of Mexicans from Mexico that were the attackers.

Let me put it to you this way. If you were a bank robber, or rapist, or murderer, and you see an article in the paper saying, “hey……here in La Ciudad Mexico we have a Sanctuary City. If you come to Mexico illegally, have a felony criminal history, and cannot speak Spanish, we will welcome you! You will have access to medical care, EBT cards, and employment. All you do is show up, we’ll do the rest, Gringo!”.  Who do you think from the United States would flock to this paradise? Well that’s what every “sanctuary city” in the U.S. is doing. Sounds pretty stupid, doesn’t it? You know why? Because it is, that’s why.

Listen, I know people like to make an argument based on feeling good and patting themselves on the back. Something similar to, ” Hey….everybody wants the same thing for their family and to have a good life and what about the children….”.  It’s usually these same intellectual giants that don’t ever actually rub shoulders with illegals, or if they do it’s to condescendingly point out where their shrubs need pruning and yard needs edging.

Frankly, if you are one of these bleeding heart/factually vacant/non-critical thinking/political partisan hacks that just is absolutely set on self destruction, by all means, shut your mouth and open your wallet.

See, there’s nothing preventing you and all the extended-pinkie-finger chardonnay drinkers you hang out with from taking your money and throwing it at every illegal you see. That’s what non-government types do, you know. But my guess is that all those who so strenuously advocate open borders will continue to insist that everyone else pony up the funds through taxation and the welfare state. These same people will claim that we are “a nation of immigrants”, when those that came before did so legally and without the benefit of social welfare.

The crux of the issue is this: If you think that we the enlightened people, who have the memory-span of goldfish, no civics or knowledge of history, and no sense of the greatness and ingenuity of those that came before us, can solve the massive problems we now face with our current philosophy……….oh my.

Because there’s a reason the Chinese built a wall  several centuries ago. There’s a reason Rome fell. There’s a reason that every major civilization built borders around themselves. Because you can’t lock your doors but then leave your windows wide open.  It’s time we open our eyes and close our border, and especially time to staunch the massive bleeding from a wound that’s self inflicted. I invite you, if you disagree, to put your money where your mouth is.  Buy houses, move illegals in, pay for their healthcare and education, feed and clothe them, learn Spanish to communicate with them, and then clean up after them. Only then will I tolerate your soap box moaning about human rights and the children.

Oh……and Illegals are sending (as of a 2013 Washington Times report) over 23 Billion dollars back to Mexico every year. No wonder the Mexican government lobbies our Congress and White House to ignore their citizens illegal entry into our country. And that’s just Mexico.

Just don’t try to tell any of the Establishment Republican contenders any of this. They are all too busy promising more goodies to the non citizen,  talking about the confederate flag, being obsessed with what does or doesn’t dangle between your legs and where you want to put it, and trilling the R’s in Puerrrrrto Rrrrrrico. For the childrrrrrrren, just not yours.

  ” Just a good old boy, never meaning no harm….. Beats all you ever saw, been in trouble with the law since the day he was born…..” Waylon Jennings

Copping a Feel

  Opponents of “stop and frisk” are missing the point. I guess it all goes back to our Nation’s obsession with race and race politics.  As far as I can tell, this dangerous policy has nothing to do with racial profiling, whatever that is. It has everything to do with our rights as citizens of the United States of America. If you read a lot of the founding documents and writings of our Independence, you will find many references to what should be our unalienable right….. No unreasonable search and seizure. See, along with all the other things we have forgotten, we have forgotten that we are to have equal standing under the protection of law. Stop and Frisk elevates authorities above that. Where Stop and Frisk is in place the police now have the ability to circumvent your presumption of innocence. It’s just part of a troubling trend that changes the relationship we have with these same authorities. 


Don’t think so? Well join the armies of ignorance shlubbing their way through our society. Think it’s all about race? If so, you have fallen for the oldest trick in the book used by Machiavellian aristocrats. It’s like looking through a window into your back yard, and it’s on fire. Shift the size and location of the window, and you can shape the image you see. Maybe just the swingset’s on fire according to your new view. Sure, that’s a problem, but nowhere near as alarming as the raging inferno inching closer to your home. The issue is NOT that blacks in America are being unjustly searched. It’s that ANYONE in America can be stopped and searched.

Another defense of this indefensible stop and frisk policy is my favorite: “If you’re not up to anything, or doing anything wrong, what’s the big deal? What are you afraid of?” Take a look at how many new laws are passed by Congress every year. I’ll wait. OK…. now take into account all of the County, City and State laws passed every year. Guess what? Most people are “doing something wrong” every day. For instance, are you correctly following all of your ridiculous neighborhood covenants? Or how about all the moronic City ordinances? Is your trash in the right place? Is your car parked correctly? How tall is your fence? Microchips in your kids…oops, I mean animals? You get the idea.

Now, combine these never-ending laws with who enforces them, and for what purpose. When did “protect and serve” become “Harass, Fine, and Collect”? How many folks reading this now get all warm and fuzzy when they see the Po-Po behind them? Or safe and secure when they pull into your driveway? Ask the kid who was shot to death in California last month for having a smart mouth (“What, are you going to shoot me?”) at a DUI stop. Whoopsy. At least his friends and family can rest assured that after a lengthy paid leave this gunslinger will be back on the streets.

It’s about control, folks. And I know what you’re thinking. You think I’m paranoid. Well, just cause I’m paranoid doesn’t mean people aren’t out to get me, and you. See, while you’ve had your head down, and the TV on, thousands of new laws, EPA directives, and executive orders have been flowing out of our ever-increasing government agencies, local, state and federal. And in case you didn’t know, crap rolls down hill, and we are all at the bottom. Just like the enemies we have across the ocean herding their goats, those whose lives are spent in search of power are biding their time, counting the progress of their initiatives in terms of decades, not minutes.

At the same time the power that those who are supposed to protect us has been growing. Listen, I know we all want to think that the police, prosecutors, and judges that are our public servants are as selfless and heroic as on TV. And hey, some of them are. But there is a rapidly escalating change in how these folks do business. Due to an increasing need to raise more revenue than ever, combined with the militarization of even the most backwoods police departments, a frightening us-versus-them mentality is arising. I find it humorous that on MSNBC I’m told that the Tea Party are jack-booted thugs, when there really are jack-booted stormtroopers just waiting for their next warrant-serving or drug raid. Since when did even the smallest and most ill trained sheriffs’ departments need armored vehicles, black military garb, body armor, and automatic weapons?

What happened to the days of Mayberry? Jeez, even Sheriff Andy knew to only let Barney have one bullet. Now Barney’s got unlimited discretion to take away your life and liberty with the most powerful of arsenals. Awesome. It used to be just disrespectful to mock an officer of the court. Now it’s a crime. Don’t believe me? Give a cop the finger next time you see one….. you’ll get an education in how far your Freedom of Speech has been degraded faster than you can say bye-bye to your posterior virginity in prison.

I know we all want to feel safe. I know we all want to do what we can to have safe neighborhoods, schools, and streets. The answer is not empowering hordes of government employees, agencies and regulations with the ability to control and dictate every aspect of your life. People write laws, and people are not perfect or only motivated to have your interests at heart. The reason our founding documents specifically say that our creator (and by the way I don’t care who or what you think that is) granted our rights is this:

Rights given by our creator cannot be taken away, altered or revoked. We are born with them. Because trusting imperfect people with your rights, your safety, your security, your prosperity, and your literal liberty and freedom, is folly. And the more you cede to these imperfect people, the closer you get to wearing the yoke of servitude. And it won’t happen overnight, it will happen in inches, over the course of time. And in the end you won’t even know you’re a slave……. until you wake up in chains.

There Aren’t Enough Clown Names

Just who are these people? I have spent a couple of weeks trying to discern the answer to this question. I’m sorry to say that even with what I consider judicious scrutiny, the “people’ who are running are government are seriously lacking in almost every way. We are led by a pack of freaks, and if they were sitting next to you on a park bench ( not that they would because none of them would willingly get that close to you unless you’re a lobbyist or prostitute, or both) you would quickly get up, check your wallet, and then douse yourself with hand sanitizer.

I find myself seriously wondering what the heck is going on. How did any of these weirdos get elected to what should be a very serious undertaking? It’s like being in the elevator with a dude that has really bad hairplugs. You’re thinking, ” Does homie have a mirror at home? How could he not know he looks like a Ken-Doll with half of its hair pulled out?” Well, not only does homie not know, he thinks you’re looking because he’s so hot. If you’ve never known someone who is truly deluded, look no further than Washington D.C..

When was the last time you saw a real person run for office? Off the top of my head I can think of just a couple of examples…. and if I’m not mistaken, none of them win. And if they do win, they are quickly pulled aside by the David Axelrods and Karl Roves of the world and told just where to squat and push. And if they can’t play ball, you say? Well then my guess is a photo of them in bed with a dead girl or live boy, or both, show up in the New York Times. And no, Anthony Weiner and Elliot Spitzer have not been set up, they’re just run-of-the-mill power mad sleazebags.

Let’s say you’re a blue collar guy or gal, you work hard, you pay your taxes, you try to follow most of the rules. Your Grandpa voted democrat, he was a good guy, so you do too. Besides, you’ve been told just how much these guys care about you….heck, they can really relate. Let’s take a look at a couple of these down to earth reps for the little guy ( and just hold on repubs, your paragraph comes next ). Let’s start with someone we all know, Nancy Pelosi. The Democrat Representative from California has a net worth of at least 24 Million Dollars. This includes a swanky California Vineyard that sells roughly half a million bucks worth of grapes every year. Yes, Nationalized Healthcare advocates, your champion could easily pay you and your family’s medical expenses forever off of the interest her dough makes. On to another stalwart of the little guy, or I should say gal, because everyone associates this next winner with Women’s Rights. It’s Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat from California, who is worth somewhere in the neighborhood of 41 Million dollars. And irony of ironies, her hubby is Dick Blum…. Prez and CEO of Blum Capital Partners LP, you know, one of those really evil private equity firms. Another prime example is of course the unflappable Senator Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia. He’s sliding into home this year with a net worth of about 83 Million. I’ve been to West Virginia, and I’m pretty sure that’s more Cheese than everyone else in the state put together. And here’s the really funny part. Most of that cheddar comes from family oil money. I’d be laughing if I could afford it.

But hold on there you so called “conservatives”….. I have a couple of examples for you too. You’ve seen alot of this guy on CSPAN lately, and he’s all vim, vigor and hair dye. It’s Darrell Issa, Republican Senator from California. He’s rollin’ Oprah style with at least 350 Million under the mattress. Hey, I thought California was broke? I’m sure out of good conscience all of these Statesmen and Women from Cali are stuffing their tax forms full of extra cash to help out the common peeps who pay the huge taxes levied on them in the Promised Land. Don’t hold your breath California, even though it would help the environment ’cause your exhale is now considered a pollutant, halitosis or no. Next stop, Senator Bob Corker, Republican from Tennessee. This good ‘ole boy from the Volunteer State is worth at least 16 million. I know people from Tennessee, and I’m pretty sure his bank account does not represent the average citizen of the state. Round it out with this year’s big loser, Rep. Michael McCaul, Republican from Texas. See, last year he was pulling about 300 million give or take, and he lost half of it. Now he’s only got 114 million to fall back on. Man, I bet there’s some sleepless nights at his estate wondering how he’s gonna keep the family fed. Guess it’s nothin’ but Hamburger Helper and Ramen Noodles for you, buddy. The only advantage the R’s have in this is at least they’re not on TV daily talking about how they can relate to the guy working the MickeyDee’s drivethru.

And let’s not forget the Executive Branch. Barry and Michelle are worth at least 11 million, respectively. For those under 25 enrolled in college, that’s about 22 million collectively. Just for kicks I wanted to work in John Kerry and his wife, Teresa, only because he’s getting by with about 194 million and she’s banking roughly 200 Million. Can you even imagine having that kind of money? And just why do any of these people actually work in government? Normal folks would probably take it easy after a ship like that comes in, but if your goal is true power, you know, the power to control all of us like pawns on a chessboard, you gotta keep goin’, man. Or maybe you are so deluded by your Party Affiliation that you just keep on defending your guy,’cause you think admitting that you’ve been suckered would be a huge blow to your ego. Or maybe, just maybe, you actually think they believe in what they’re selling. That they DO want to help you, that you do have an advocate in government. That they want “free” healthcare for you, or “clean” water and air. Or that they want you to be successful and prosperous, and to be able to achieve their level of wealth and power. If I just described you, then pardon me while I endlessly laugh and cry at the same time. Because not only do you have serious thinking problems, you are feeding the fleas and ticks that suck the lifeblood out of what was created by better men than we currently have in Washington.

Because no matter the Party, no matter the Cause, it’s a game to all of these Senators, Representatives, Presidents and Appointees. And you wanna know something? We don’t ever win. That’s why I prefer to think of it as a circus. A circus that has nothing but Clowns. The only problem I can see is…… There aren’t enough Clown Names.

( Thanks to CQ Roll Call and Celebrity Net Worth for my Net Worth figures )

Go Ahead with Your Own Life, Leave Me Alone

You know, I hate to sound like a jerk, but shut up ex-presidents and veeps. Shut up Congress. In fact, if you work for a creepy, bloated government agency, or a creepy, bloated network, just shut up. I don’t need alot of protection from people in other parts of the world that I will never meet. I need to be protected FROM YOU. Listening to all of these wise people tell me they need to shield me from everything that could possibly cause me harm, I now realize that I am a moron. Replace my knives and forks with soft rubber sporks, because I might stab myself in my tiny little brain.

I realize that many folks that I respect, who aren’t dummies or drinking any parties’ Kool-Aid, strongly disagree with my logic on this, but……No one has a right to throw my liberty in the dustbin to “keep me safe’. I don’t care if we’re talking about automobiles, airport security, electronic communication or phone calls. Let me ask you this…. can I read your mail, look at your text messages and cellphone pictures? Can I come in your house while you’re gone and go through your drawers? Can I search your car? How about your kids if you’ve got ’em…. can I look through their stuff? Your husbands? Wives? Well Why not?

I’m a nice guy. I’m reasonably intelligent and I have your best interests at heart, I promise. With all due respect to our police and military ( who do a very difficult, underpaid job ), they are just people. The Elites inside the Washington beltway, some of who have been there three or more decades, are just people too. Granted they are freakish in many ways, they are still just folks like you and me (with power and millions of dollars). So if you wouldn’t want me to be a Peeping Tom in your family’s home and life, why allow countless, nameless others to be?

While we’re at it, what is safe? You could, while reading this, choke on your coffee or have an embolism. Some jerk could run off the road in a Hummer and barrel through your crib, not only ruining your flat screen, but ruining you as well. With all the threats to our well-being, it’s a miracle any of us survive long enough to fill a diaper. I could put you in an air-filtered, armored box and deliver your checked and approved meals to you. I would listen to your calls, read your mail, and give you your medication. I’d even provide for your healthcare. You’d be pretty safe then, right? Hey…… wait a second. That’s prison. I haven’t met many people who have been and called it a safe place, liked it, or wanted to return.

The world I grew up in is unfortunately gone. That statement is made worse by the fact that I’m really not that old .To give you an idea, I will have to pay full price for coffee at MickeyDees for another twenty years. Some of that change is, of course, inevitable. Technology has altered every aspect of our lives at a much more rapid pace than I can believe, and the pitfalls are as numerous as the benefits. The argument I run into the most is the technology problem. I will sum it up like this…… if you post pictures of your junk on Facespace or Mybook, then you made a decision to do so. Having that photo archived by the federal government is not your decision. See, we make a choice to use technology such as Google or Yahoo. We DO NOT make the choice to have that information compiled by Uncle Sam.

Here’s the rub….we are guaranteed Freedom of Speech by the Constitution. That right is recognized by the document, but granted by the Creator. If you know that your speech is cataloged and used against you at a later date, depending on your political persuasion, I can absolutely say with certainty that you will watch what you say. That is a de-facto infringement on our freedom of speech. When you’re afraid that what you say will come back to bite you, then you just might not say it in the first place. So, if you want to submit your speech to the Feds to keep you safe, so be it, just don’t ask, or force, me to. In other words, go ahead with your own life, leave me alone. ( Thanks, Billy Joel )